Should the article posts be limited to a summary?

Just wanted to see what you guys think about this. I have the option of not posting the full article here automatically when something is published on I could instead only publish the excerpt or summery or whatever.

Originally wanted the full article here so it could be referred to in discussion, however the lazyroller reflective wheel article had some content in it that translated very poorly, namely an image gallery and an embedded instagram post.

So i thought maybe just posting the excerpt would be good enough. It would always have forum-safe content, and would still provide a link back to the original article.

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I think a summery with a link is great. People can still quote sections if they have questions and have an easy route the full article.


I like the quoting functionality that pasting the text here provides.


I agree. Give us the TLDR with the links back to the main site. Makes it easy to digest but we can still pull from it easily!


Yeah, summary seems like the way to go.

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It’s far easier to quote the article while discussing it, if the article text is in here. I was suggesting the opposite.

I’m torn. I can see both sides very clearly.

Your position has been made abundantly clear. It is now in God’s hands. (That’s what Damon makes us call him in private.)

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Did he wash them first?


Well, he rinsed them off in a porta potty. Close enough.

Unless you summarise in here you run the risk of no one actually reading the whole article on the news site. Kind of defeats the object of having the news site in the first place. As it grows and the content gets more prolific then links is probably the way forward. Also it gives Brian less ammunition. He loves a dissection and quote fest.

you’re making a good case for keeping the article text intact. lol

I may decide to just keep it and then go back and remove any problematic content from the forum. more thought… and beer… are required.


Always :smile: