Sean Hacker got stabbed 😢 (NSFW)

Hope they caught the guy who did this. Man. Universal healthcare would be nice right about now.


Shit that’s crazy, I hope you recover fast @SeanHacker and tell us more that your life is great !


Bumping this for support.


Chipped in. Never had any interaction with you @SeanHacker but any member of this community is a friend in my eyes. Hope you get well soon.


Sup dudes. Just lurking. No energy for much else at the moment. I want you guys to know how much I appreciate all of you guys and the support you’ve shown. It means the world to me. I’m still in fucking shock that something like this happened and it’s changed me forever. It’s crazy to think I died for 28 seconds and strangers brought me back to see another day with my family and friends. I will never take anything for granted ever again. I hope you guys don’t either. Love isn’t even close to what I have for you guys and this community. It’s way more than that!!! I’ll do my best to stay in touch here with all the details.

Been pumping blood and fluids out of my lungs for days now. When they take the fucking tube out it’s going to look like I have 3 fucking nipples. I’m excited. Here’s today’s haul.

Left lung is still a little collapsed but getting better.


Love you dude, glad to read your voice in my head once again.


Love ya too dude. You’re fucking rad. All you fuckers are.

P.S.- It’s really refreshing how you can see the penis in everything. I was waiting for it. :kissing_heart:


Seriously, who’s the person responsible for this things’ design ?
Did someone came up a morning and told himself “let’s make a blood pump who’s blue white and red with a little palmtree,
Also we can try to match the blood color with the red
And maybe we can try to make it look like some old arcade game, maybe that will boost the convalescent guy to try and get a better score than the one next door”

Nice to have you back with us man !


That product is legitimately 50+ years old and the epitome of it it ain’t broke. They launched a mini version maybe… 10 years ago?


Just got threatened with a knife by a crazy guy myself…
Will tip in when I can.
First time I wish I could carry a gun…


I’m glad the asshole didn’t hit any arteries, and hope you heal quickly and without any infections in the process

I hope they’ve got you on some good pain meds because collapsed lungs fucking hurt in a way I’ve not had any other injury hurt.


Thanks dude. I’m so fucking happy to be here with you guys still. :heart_eyes:


Run next time. It fucking hurts dude.


I’m on a pleathera of the good stuff. So it’s somewhat manageable. You’re definitely right about the pain. Collapsed lung plus broken ribs here and I can’t even describe how fucking painful it is. I fucking sneezed yesterday and afterwards wrote an exit this life text to my mom.


Sounds about right. When it happened to me it was caused by air leaking out of my lungs and when I was lying in bed it would hurt my chest more if I so much as moved my toes. That was without any external injuries causing the issue but it was still that bad.

As for crazy unhomed people with knives, I’ve had an encounter with one but the guy was just pacing back and forth talking to himself and holding a large knife. I just walked away slowly while watching him to be safe. Didn’t want him to take notice of me in case he was violent, but he turned out to be non violent and was easily escorted away by police. That was years ago and not in portland

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Man. This sucks hearing bad things happening to a good person. My heart goes out to you @SeanHacker . Thank God you’re alive and recovering!

You are one tough mofo and you’ll get thru this.



I hope you have a speedy recovery Sean!

Big love


Sahara? :flushed: :flushed: :flushed:

Anyone who’s played “The Forest” should be telling you to get up and run out of that hospital as fast as you can!


Oh I ran, I ran fucking hard.

The guy in particular is known to be crazy

(I was fishing without fishing license) that’s why I got attacked


Sean, glad you are ok. A word about the homeless.
I have slept I a car for months because of poverty and no family, MY girlfriend now works with the homeless,the vast majority are mentally ill and or have drug problems. They are unstable,I have compassion for them,and respect like I do for bears. I understand dealing with people who have nothing to loose,they aren’t rational. We need to find solutions,but be wary,they are people worth helping,but with caution.

Also knife are dangerous,I have years of sparring,I’m running from a knife,every sparing session where we use a marker as a knife shows you get cut,Bruce lee gets cut,I get cut,run! There is no shame,only stitches if you’re lucky.