*SCAM ALERT* neoONE S deck GB - $210. [Closed Now] (SERIOUS)

How many decks tested? Only one split?


@Alpacaslapper We test over 20 sample. Just this one having problem. We simulate test on deck samples also for vibrate and moisture. This can helping identify problem for us.

We fix making by add fibreglass reinforce and make change to material layup. This fixing problem. Is only split in stress point of truck at front.


@jeffwuneo will the group buy decks have suggestions provided above? Specifically, motor wells?

We make change for motor already. The problem is about the rear truck mount. We make angle change so it not so close to deck now.


Motor well was exactly what kept me from signing up, I was unsure it I wanted hubs or not.

@Alpacaslapper we make original design to fit belt drive or hub that we using. Is design for smaller wheel and motor, so can be fun fast board. We change angle for rear this give more room for motor and stop hit. We make more change for next round which adding more scoop to room for slight bigger motor. If still want can say me now, but we start production this week.

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@jeffwuneo to confirm- this round of decks will have a different back truck angle to allow for bigger motors and the next round will have a bit of a cutout to allow for larger motors?

@M.Hboards yes we already making this change.


Which change? The different angle the extra cutout for the motors or both?

@M.Hboards we make both change.


For deck we make changes for better. Truck angle now same as front and we make tail longer. For truck rear we make height taller so is more spacing for motor and matching front now. Concave we change so W is now almost go and is more concave, for better comforting.

We add hole at back for finger so can make easy to take lid off once unscrew as it tight fitting for water resistant.

Today we ordering material from supplier for making deck.


I just want to congratulate you on how professional you and your design team are. You guys look great, taking input and making swift and efficient design decisions. If I had the money to support you I would.

This deck is dope and the CAD work on it is beautiful.


@ShutterShock thank you for kind word. We try make best design we can for friends.


This underside of deck. For motor we still recommending to using riser pad for truck, can help with absorb bumping also. With change mean should be ok for bigger motor, but not too big. We test many with 5055 motor and have very good power with 10s3p battery. We test with 120kg uphill no problem.


Hello friends, not all have paid for invoice yet. Please help me to finish this so we can making.

Just tag them in here, people tend to forget :smiley:
(think I paid? :thinking:)

@Linny @M.Hboards

You pay already @linsus. Thank you.


I haven’t forgotten. I will pay later today!

I don’t think i remembered saying i was in :sweat_smile:

Absolutely beautiful work, Jeff!


Our final-final Neo build will be on a new, Exway Riot (aptly named) dual 5255 drivetrain wearing purple Caguamas - you can read about the torque at Sofia’s review, below.

  • Dual 5255 motors with 4235 stators (for reference 5065 motors have 4035 stators)
  • 200KV winding
  • 1:2.57 gear ratio
  • 255-5m-10 belts
  • 5.2nm^2 of torque

ExwayUSA is lastmilesf.com and we think the Haggy & Lofty motor cables we have may work. Stoked. :dark_sunglasses: