Savage1 TKP Trucks

I could be mistaken, but it looks like he has these mounted to the @Savage1 trucks. I’m curious about the drives though.

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It’s mentioned a few posts up. Savage made mounts for them to adapt. But will not be making anymore going forward for the Omni drives

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I thought those were for Meepo gear drives :thinking:

Maybe Omni is the same profile?

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Well, I made the adapters for his Meepo drives, but apparently they work for the Omni as well. I guess I could make some for Omni. I should clarify a little about my Meepo comment…I kinda felt it to be a little slimy of them to try throwing a patent on SRB 3 links.


After assembling one of the 4 gear ones, I want nothing to do with them. They have extremely high drag, tolerances sucked, etc



answering the questions below the photo really is a savage1 he is currently with the Omni gear because on this skateboard I decided to use smaller wheels and this perfect gear for that I think it is wonderful I don’t have to complain more it depends a lot on the experience of each rider has people who like it have to have people who don’t this adapter profile that Phil made for me fits many gears on the market not just meepo ,

I have the trucks on my other skateboard I’ll send you a picture of this one I have the gear

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this truck changed my hadean, now it’s very stable and more reliable

I really like the units but it was just the sound good for wheels up to 150mm

Please explain. What gear drive? I have no experience with any of them, but have heard that @Ean.esk8 drives are good.


The Omni geardrives. They’re newbee clones. But like a million times worse.


The newbee ones are good, the omni ones are uhh… made to different tolerances.


Wow, I did not know they were that bad.


How quiet are the Newbee gear drives? I thought the Meepo ones were pretty noisy.

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This is good info from a well respected member of the community! I’ve been wondering about these 4 gear drives. Obviously, you have experience with both, newbee, and Omni. In your observation, why would the Omni be a million times worse?

Its made by someone who has never touched a skateboard or functional cad software. The gear messing is inconsistent even though the gears are fixed, and the installation is obnoxious. The newbee drives were great. Everything you’d want out of a high end drivetrain.


Quieter for sure, but not silent. The gear chatter is a much more desirable tone if you’re going for a quieter build.

from my friends that have used them, not horribly loud as far as gear drives go. I think the POM makes a pretty big difference there in terms of pitch, and the housing tolerances are from what i can see, pretty tight meaning grease should stay on the gears more. I would try a set myself, but lately i’ve been on an all urethane streak and the 4gs doesn’t come in a size small enough to really work for my personal uses. (man, would i kill for a thane size 4GS with some good reduction lol)


Between 3ds finalityAT and newbee4gear
The newbee 4gear is more quiet.

I think the clamp actually fits on the savage tkp

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