Rideneo - Vendor ID Discussion

There are no hurt feelings here, I was just pointing out there is a responsibility of everyone to take ALL of the facts and then make a judgement. When you said…

You discounted facts, by calling it BS.

I’m not blaming you for anything, I’m saying own it.

Reasonable is fine, but if it’s too cheap then there is something wrong. I’ve gotten hate mail and PM’s telling me “fuck off an die whore bag”. Not sure what a whore bag is, but whatever. All of those, to my reckoning were born out of a desire for cheap and shiny gear and blaming me for calling the vendor into question.

My point it this. When making every effort to act responsibly and ethically while trying to foster growth yet still hold people accountable for their BS, sometimes you have to look further than what is right in front of you, take time and dive in, find real answers. Making blanket judgement based on limited information is why the world is so fucked right now, this is behavior we need to correct.