Reply to "Pictures and nothing else" thread

I think thane might be better and @RipTideSports should integrate it into the Tunnel Riser :yum:


dat some repugnant BS


a new member on the forum asked if I could take a look at his halo board 2. Not only was the esc fried, the battery shorted out because the board wasnā€™t properly sealed and iron shavings shorted some P groups. I immediately dropped it off at work because they can dispose of battery waste :sob:

building him a new pack as we speak


doing gawds-workā€¦ thank you

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If only a bank was on that list for a large amount, this whole situation would be taken more seriously.


This, hooked up to main battery. Steps voltage down to 12v :+1:

I shudder to think how much it would cost to CNC this shapeā€¦ :joy::flushed:


That shit is bona-fide terrifying


@Accrobrandon what trucks are you using on that beast mode hummie

Im a man of simple pleasures lol torqueboards ftw always!

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If this is because temp sensors, mine doesnā€™t have those.

Iā€™ve been monitoring motor temp by touching the cans, and theyā€™ve never been more than slightly warm.

Iā€™ll probably need to get an IR thermometer to measure stator temp at some point though.

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@Accrobrandon also, are those 8in UnTrampa wheels? Iā€™m surprised they fit so well on the hummie

Yeah no.issuesā€¦maybe a hard lean for a u turn gets bite but for higher speed riding unless youā€™re super heavy and going for hard carving I dont think its likely youā€™ll get wheel bite under moat riding conditionsā€¦

If u have a 44 plate then yeah yur gonna have to redrill and slide back a 1/2" max


Funny imagining it breaking like that from cutting just some stranded wire. Imagining your face is pretty funny too.


meant for plasticā€¦ originally designed to cut zipties flush without those razor like shards like normal dykes makeā€¦

I call USER ERRORā€¦


Welllll I was maybe using it to cut inch wide braided copper ground strapā€¦ apparently it wasnā€™t up to the task this time.

I salute this fallen soldier.

Anything I needed cut, he was there. But now I have nothing. Nothing.


Tis merely a suggestion

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and yet it failedā€¦ hmmmmmmmmmmmmm

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All good things must end eventually, sadly it only lived 3 months :sob:

It came with my ender 3 to cut plastic filament, so ya, u right lol

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Iā€™ll give ya 3 guesses what that tool is called in the industryā€¦ tool industry, like snap-on, matco, etcā€¦

ifā€™n you fuck 'em up and donā€™t care, harbor fright sells them at like 2 bux a popā€¦ the snap-on ones are like 40 buxā€¦

go to harbor fright and buy 10ā€¦

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