Reply to "Pictures and nothing else" thread

Ok cool, for your big feet - perhaps it’s time to whip out the killdozer clone and perhaps drill a new wheelbase further apart, unless your kid’s already riding the thing…

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The coyote is a winner really. I think I’ll be keeping it around.
I imagine some day the kids will be fighting over who gets to ride it. I hope anyways.

It just turned out so dang cute. And it is very rideable…

The killdozer wanna be is in danger because of these Alva decks…

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Big men on tiny decks! Always brings tears to my eyes :rofl:


I can’t seem to get these Google photos video links to ever work. But if it does you can get a sense of how tiny the coyote looks.

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Lmao yeah this is probably the worst puffing I’ve seen in lipo cells.

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The 2.1 Version rated for 20A per cell and my setup atm is 6s 10P so won’t be pulling nearly 20A per cell

Yeah the 10mm ones were just to test that it was the correct length. I expected them to munt after a while. My motor Pulley is 15 wide so ordered some of those

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Trust I’ve checked everywhere. Nowhere sells 410/415 X 15’s. Only 400’s or 425’s. The skinny 410’s that snapped were from RS but I expected them to.

That’s an awkward size, what does the drivetrain look like? Can you idle it or move the motors slightly to get access to decent standard size belts?

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They really are pretty similar as far as foot spacing.


superhero cape FTW!!!


I routed slots in the mounts both where it attaches to the motor so they can slide and also where the mounts attach to the trucks. Problem is, where I’m running 6s atm, need a 22 tooth Pulley which comes within 3mm of the wheel Pulley. So need to use longer belts to pull it all back. I’m at the limit of where I can tension the belt and its a bit tight for an idler Pulley with no real place for it :joy:. I got the trampa ones and then have 10 coming from China so should be good

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How was this done? Is there a thread?

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Excuse me but 80.0 mph !?


Not your typical electric board setup!

Uses a microcontroller and DC motor for a programmable low speed config. Throttle control potentiometer is also a treat dispenser, connected to the microcontroller.


Ya 10alex


goddamn that’s fast…what’s the board?

It’s a RION scooter


I’mma be honest here, my car literally cannot go as fast as your scooter, even down hill

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Nvm. :blush: