Reply to "Pictures and nothing else" thread

It’s online: Mini remote mod with thumb control

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@ThermalChild and the rest of you guys out riding together. Are you not supposed to be in self isolation or has it not required where you live?


You must take some killer dick pics with that setup. I recon in my lifetime I’ve probably taken upwards of 2000 pictures of my junk.


Ok so like, this the second time I’m hearing of this and the first time it’s happened to me and fuuuuuck.

If these wheels are prone to being this dangerous when flat why the fuck are we all still using them? I like the Wh per mile I get with mine but if it’s gonna fuck my ass up when it goes flat like that then that’s lame. Others should definitely at least be aware what these tires do when flat cause I sure af wasn’t lol.


Eh, we’re permitted an hour of exercise lol. Philly is on lockdown but it’s nothing crazy. All non essential businesses are closed. They’re threatening $100 fines but they’re not enforcing it currently. Still fuck tons of people out tbh. This was the first time I was out in about a week.

600 people a day dying here, your curve is a week behind ours, just keep that in mind. You’re all big boys but please remember if you give it to each other you all take it home to your families.


To be fair as I said that was the first time I legit left my apartment in a week. I’ve been working from home and had enough food to keep my ass indoors for a while. We all stayed away from each other anyway.


Fuck yeah merica!

Deadass how fast was that one bus going though. Dude was moving!

What are the plans for this guy? We’ll call him Lil Punchy.

To fly to the moon with that 90C discharge :hushed:


All that current into an XT90 :sob::sob:


Could see it being a really good race pack if you can push it hard for 2-3mi before it sags to death.


Yep! 12s 90C should in theory be about 700a of discharge :frowning:

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The 12ga wire will desolder before the xt90 itself fails. You could probably push 200A through this and drain the pack in 2-3 minutes before anything caught on fire =P.

It’s still pretty silly to see lipos rated far beyond what their construction can handle. Although, there are benefits from running a higher current battery even if you weren’t actually maxing those C ratings.

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Test sled for neoboxes. weights maybe 22lbs, total.


They don’t like more that 120-130s. :unamused:


Dang, have you tried the Powerhobby ones @MoeStooge sometimes uses? They aren’t super big and are almost true 50c if I remember correctly… 10Ah per thing and they come in 4s packs.

It’s all about having the right lighting :ok_hand::sunglasses: