Reply to "Pictures and nothing else" thread

Me too! Big thanks to @avX for willing to send it my way. Can’t wait to put it to use


What is your enclosure plan?

@BigBen has some for the killshot.




Fuck sheet metal lmao.

Straight up doesn’t matter because you have no idea what equipment the place you’re gonna have it made has unless you’re a business or have copious amounts of money. In that case… you’re just gonna be hiring somebody in the first place.

Make things rough in normal modeling, send that to whatever sheet metal fab shop you find, and they should work with you…

Or maybe not. Fuck sheet metal design tho. Gotdamn. Like, they don’t teach you that anywhere. You just have to learn, but it’s just too unjustifiable for a hobby. Unless you’re only talking simple shit…


Nope I’m just scared :sweat_smile:


Oh lord. Have fun!


Oh, just the most fun. @MauveMaverick and @Murloc992 can tell you all about my adventures so far. Nothing but troubleshooting lmao


The front ones are called solarstorm on aliexpress, you could find these quite easily.

this one for ~15€?

yup, I connected 2 of those to a power bank, so I could connect 2 at once.

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damn nice! Undecided to go with no battery or go with batteries. I just have a normal 10.000mAh powerbank if not.

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I won’t necessarily recommend the powerbank as it’s not emitting as much power as those battery packs that comes with the lights. But it’s really useful if you want to connect 2 lights on one battery.
I bought a 50 000 mah power bank from aliexpress (they advertise as 50 000 but I’m pretty sure it’s 30 000)

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those are the ones i have

the bigger one has :
Output A: DC 5V / 1000mA

Output B: DC 5V / 2100mA

I assume the lights NEED 8.4v?

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I have that same corner cat sander. It may be easier to do the channels with a plunge router in stead of a palm. What bit did you use for it?

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They work with 5v output from those power banks, (you could buy a usb version of the light or a version with a port to connect it directly to the battery).
The 5v might be just a bit less bright than the 8.4v but as I’ve always had the 5v one I don’t know much about the difference.
They are really bright for me.

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i want this :sweat_smile:


@Ricco what is that and where from did it come?


@NoWind Hey what you think about this TRAMPA motors 160kv, compared to sk3 and dymond?

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I dont really remember. … Around 18 years. Actually I started with solidworks, was the first 3d software I ever used. Its changed very little since then.

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