Reply to "Pictures and nothing else" thread

No, the mount has a cup shape that is suppose to hold the light which prevents it from moving side to side. the 45 degree is designed to go under the deck so moving them up you have to mount it like you did

@eBoosted did you get that off of ebay? I’ve seen listings for them all coming from india. They looks awesome but I’m hesitant because of the long shipping times. What are your thoughts on them?

i’m guilty as charged until I noticed light bite




Yes, I did get it from ebay, waited 2-3 weeks to arrive.

Well, all In can say is I stopped using the TSG Pass and started using this one instead and I’m happy, love the look, the padding and firment is good as well, maybe it sits a little higher than regular helmets but you just get used to it.

Here are a couple of pictures with the helmet closed:

Open visor:

Hope it help you to take the decision, I can’t believe this helmet is so cheap for such quality


Thanks for the reply! I’m probably going to take the chance and get one. You said the quality is good? How’s the hinge feeling?

That is correct :expressionless:

If only someone made a protective pad to protect your knees. They were even in my bag, I was just running late.

Saftey first children.

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Name and shame? That’s no bueno…

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WillPark16 2.0? World is full of assholes

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I linked the one I got, I bought a second Steelbird SBA2 today, this time Blue Yamaha one:

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You mean tomorrow’s SOS in Torrance? Is @Arzamenable going? He’s the only one I know that uses bindings of sorts

Oh boy, you didn’t learn the first time :man_facepalming:


That wasn’t a skateboarding accident, he was just sucking the penis really hard


He still didn’t learn

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Might as well go to the SOS race to watch :smiley: Someone might have brought and extra board with bindings :grin:

Yo. I have dr mikes freebord bindings still. Want those? I wont ever use em. Just borrowed them to try bindings out

@anon54720240 isn’t normal people
