Reply to "Pictures and nothing else" thread


bruuuh!!! I love that enclosure.


That’s what I use in my shop, they have a smaller one too.

It works pretty damn well imo, ran some of that 4inch drainage tubing down from my ceiling and over to where my tools are

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Looking good! Most nerve wracking part of building IMO :grimacing: Could imagine it even being worse with such a beautiful deck and enclosure.

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Here I thought you guys were talking about vacuum pumps and I was going to say I have a bunch of those at work but then realized after clicking on the link it was a dust collector. They have these cyclon things called the dust deputy. Maybe a fix for you I’m sure you could hook something up


@Boardnamics Gonna shave that kingpin a hair or leave it for taller bushings?

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We’ve got the same Stanley knife

I’ve just realised how common it is :joy:. Mines ancient

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Probably gonna shave it a few mm. Realized I could use low profile nuts.

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@Venom121212 how can you access my topic and I can’t?

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Common side effect of enormous penis syndrome :man_shrugging:


Mine is so small that I need to sit to pee

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That doesn’t help Roman. Ask me how I know


Let it be, I don’t want to make the Google search function to show only “penis” word when looking for “esk8. News”


What’s happening here? Is that the complete?


Noo. I dont have to much time to finish the skate :unamused::unamused:

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Yes, I know :wink:

Some years ago the dust deputy was more or less the only option and extremely expensive outside the US.
Nowadays the price has dropped a lot and there are also many other options even cheaper

Just out of curiosity.
What kind of batteries are we talking about here?


Thanks! Build log coming soon :smirk:

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Yeah I saw the knock offs and they seem to do well. I saw one guy had created a dust system using a big shopvac with tubes going to each tool and drop doors so he could close off the tool out flows that he wasn’t using so he didn’t loose suction.

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Because the board the charger was for was stolen