Reply to "Pictures and nothing else" thread

Where did you get all those?

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I did! Haven’t announced it yet!


Let me buy one off you. :joy::joy::joy:

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i made them! I’m going to make a thread with the stuff I’m making in a bit.


Dude thats what’s up. Wish i still had any rkp surfrodz…


Endless sphere is still good, I massive amount of bright minds in that forum.

This type of thing has been happening for a long time. It hasn’t even been a week and they have managed to scrub the site clean of any wrong doing. Even @treenutter has had a hand closing threads which baffles me. Are the guys under JP’s thumb that oblivious or is it just a case of willful blindness?


Please hurry, I can’t wait. I already have the blue in my cart so I can drop through these bad boys


Sometimes a bartender will close the bar if a fight breaks out, it’s not picking a side


Do you have for TKP?

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No, but if I can get my hands on a set, I can model them.

I’m making them for SR trucks, Caliber, Raptor and will also begin producing them for the TB and Carvon DD’s.


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@DerelictRobot is that a raptor deck with bergmeisters?


Yeah I’m just playing around with some ideas on a travel board, using Hoyt modular batteries so I can fly with it.

I am the proud owner of @SeanHacker’s infamous Raptor 2 so I figured I’d do something useful with it.


Interesting, is there wheel bite? I have that deck too, doesn’t it bend without the plastic enclosure attached?

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I haven’t fully tested the Berg’s. I literally just pieced it together in an evening and took it for a ride last night on my Hoyt ZooBomb 97s

I didn’t notice any flexing but I also have a pretty wide stance on this deck

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12s5p ? What were the final dimensions?

I will share them too, soon :wink:

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If you EVER get this figured out, keep me posted and I’ll do the same. Surfrodz, bergs, and dislike of wet legs here too.

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