Reply to "Pictures and nothing else" thread

Two of mine are doing exactly that.

Yep it was swiftly padded with alcohol when I got home and one band-aid had it covered.

I used to be an adventurer like you… Then there was this stupid metal pole sticking out of the grass at a 45° angle and it stabbed me right in the knee. It was pretty sharp but I wasn’t going too fast.

It’s like a conduit for some wires that go to a traffic control system, I angrily bent it into a upright position while people in the burger kind drive through watched my ordeal. Didn’t look like it was bleeding at first, only noticed when I felt the wet.

Washed pants before the blood dried and it’s like it never happened. Relief, I don’t have a lot of clothes.
Oh you meant hydrogen peroxide for the clothes?

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Yeah it removes blood from clothes :+1:

That pole story is terrifying though… Makes you want to take unknown paths at like 5mph

I feel that pain though. Once I stabbed my leg with a horseshoe stick coming out of the ground, sort of the same thing :sweat_smile:

What is this surface? It looks like how the ceiling was done in my parents house.


looks like a concrete finish…

BTW… sweet looking “TANK” board!


Make a 5 and a 2 1/2 then just stack them.

I came here to say that, looks like a tank. Awesome.


@kook @Brenternet thanks guys! Got a flat one mile in…:expressionless::expressionless::expressionless:


That thing is badass, it needs a big Bull Bar up front. ( good place for a spair tire lol )

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Did you add slime?

No. I am about to tho. I was on 20psi. But I just got that piece of wood out. It’s like a hook lol.

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@M.Hboards What build is this?

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No one makes a bull bar for these MBS trucks. Other wise I’d be so down. Maybe I will design one later down the road if nothing comes out


Working on it my man! Utilizes the brake holes and M8 hardware for extra beef.

Speaking of, @moon, do you have the profile of the matrix hangers? I’m very close to right and am tired of test printing blocks.


Kinda want a bull bar/carry handle but the back motors stick out too much to pull by the front and I don’t want to move them up.

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Bull bar up front, handle in the rear.


I had this issue on my first board and made sure to mount the motors higher on these trucks specifically because of that.

I felt so accomplished making a handle the first time around just to pick it up and scrape immediately :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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What a tease




Just add slime and be happy ever after? And is this the T2 tire? I know I want that if my mountainboard ever happens, and these wheels are a new Jens work?