Reply to "Pictures and nothing else" thread

Geeze. I still have yours :joy:.

Have you gotten your damn deck yet?!


My buddy moved from Orlando to Melbourne Beach. He goes to college and has a full time job so he hasnā€™t had a chance to get it to Damon to mount it yet. Damon built the battery heā€™s just waiting on the deck now lol.

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Tell that bitch to just ship it to him!

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Itā€™s not that huge of a deal, heā€™s my bud and I know heā€™s been hella busy lately. I talked to him a couple nights ago and he said he was gonna try and get it to Damon this weekend if he can get off work in time so weā€™ll see.

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Ah a new Hot ones episode? Totally missed that. :grin: Well who wouldnā€™t want to be greeted by a Dinosaur?

Oh the episode seems to be from 2016ā€¦Still missed it.


The one with Erik Andre has been out for a while lol


Just noticed that too. Still missed it though haha

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test test @b264

Works. Great. The only stupid thing is that i canā€™t directly copy the link to my clipboard on mobile. I have to send it somewhere first (email, Telegram, whatsapp or whatever), copy it from there and then paste it.

Mobile doing mobile things ĀÆ\(惄)/ĀÆ

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thatā€™s the motor on mine, 192kv yeah? never had any issues (got the Phillips heads) should I expect the worst :sweat_smile:

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peel that label off the motor, thank me laterā€¦

thx and I know =( but so far all seems good, hevent gotten to the main body to see if anything is toast in the case but not likely from what i know =)

Philips ones seem to hold better. Bigger head is the only explanation but still get some loctite on them just in case. @dani definitely get the label off and get some polish on there.

I spend hours on mine and then make faces at myself


Next level shit man. Looks great!


damn that looks good. what is that?

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I remember when all I wanted was a Loaded or a DB deck for my Meepo deck swap.


How do you like the 150mm SR?

I canā€™t decide between them and some 165mm or 150mm paris Savants for my DH/ FR board.

Yeah, I ended up with a Rayne Hustler instead. Still love it, even though it sits forlorn in the corner.