Reply to "Pictures and nothing else" thread

I’ve got one in the states I don’t have any use for. Got it a while back and it didn’t work out for what I had envisioned

No that was from years ago. I did have my crate from Fedex break because a worker dropped it. True story :sleepy: I have the Fedex curse


You need one of those posts to put your phone on.


I thought I was doing so well haha.



It’s close enough for me to want it to be perfect haha it’s pretty darn good.


What deck are you going to use for that massive enclosure

I need to find a way to mark tire spots and phone spot so I can have the board stay constant and morph the terrain around it smoothly.

Not that I have those skills yet, but would be very cool to see the seasons change.


I think it would be cool if you rode across the frame.

If you could stick a piece of wood in the ground to put your phone on that would work.

Honestly not a clue…I was going to use it on the Drophammer but the profile and concave is way off. The lady had a board that matched so I suppose it’s possible to find one (that board isn’t in production anymore though)

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EVERY package that goes through FedEx or UPS gets dropped. No, seriously. I worked at UPS. Standard operating procedure is to throw ALL packages out the back of the truck onto a conveyor belt upon arrival. Yes, all packages, regardless of any “Fragile” stickers, which do absolutely nothing.

If it can’t be thrown, hand-deliver it yourself. Or hire FedEx Custom Critical for a million dollars.


Yes I can Confirm this too I worked at Ups and at Usps They would have tubs around them and just play basketball all day with the packages

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Oh yeah I know. It is the responsibility of the shipper to pack it correctly. Only thing was, I wasn’t the shipper, the supplier was. I think they treat crates/freight differently though, as dropping ANY heavy wooden crate is just insane.


“Insane” is when there is a pile of boxes 3 meters high and one of them reeks of skunk weed, and 5 staff, including 2 supervisors, are all digging in the pile to try to figure out which box it is, so it can “get lost in transit”


This the new enclosure for the new board?



Those Trampa trucks, don’t they have 9.525 mm axles? How’d you get those wheels on (where’d you find 9.524 mm bore x 22 mm OD bearings)

Sweet ride btw.

If you ever get a flat tyre it wont matter cause you can refill it with the excess air you are carrying in this enclosure.


@Randy :ok_hand:t2::ok_hand:t2::ok_hand:t2::ok_hand:t2: Beautiful build.


Where did you get the back light ? @Randy

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i used to work in cultured pearls trading, and the Fedex office here stopped accepting to take jewelry because they always get lost in transit and they kept losing money on insurance claim.