šŸ–¼ Reply to ā€œPictures and nothing elseā€ thread 2024

Yoooo I go there once a year! We own a condo right across the street on the beach side. Itā€™s the round brown house. Will be down there end of next month if youā€™re there often.


Dang man, Iā€™m broke, why would you torture me by introducing me to cool new tools? :joy:

I like to travel as light as possible though, and no backpacks so I can roll off a fall, so donā€™t have room for one anyway

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Holy crap, those are gorgeous. So jealous. Cloudy here in NYC tonight. :pensive:


Right?! Drive 4 hours north. I wish I would have thought ahead and planned on camping on a high peak. I can only imagine what that would look like.

And find a friend with a better camera than my phone :joy:


Barely visible


Thatā€™s how it looked here too :pensive:

I remember seeing it once when I was a kid and it was absolutely surreal. Like eclipse level weirdness.

Iā€™m out in the middle of nowhere Utah and it was barely visible but I was stoked. I didnā€™t expect anything this far south in latitude. Zero light pollution probably helped

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what app is that?

Is this one of the new urethane belts?

Itā€™s a batch that had a mistake, the wrong duro of thane was used. So this was expected

@jack.luis how does she ride?

Iā€™ll know this weekend hopefully, been juggling many projects lol

Iā€™ll record a video of some turns

I love me some table :ping_pong: Looking forward to my kids being old enough to get a table.


Iā€™m in dad joke heaven with these cookies, asking ā€œ you wanna fuck?!ā€


I also have a lifeling obsession smacking rhose bouncy little bastardsā€¦ will play for hours in end

wait a minutešŸ¤”

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Idk who actually made it but I found it on thingiverse

Itā€™s designed one and then gave up bc this one is sick

Thanks to whoever did that one

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@Titoxd1000 what are those?

PS: how can I reply on posts from another thread over here?

Clearly needed more slime :kissing_heart:


They are duality trucks. That particular version is still in the prototyping phase while the mountainboard style version is already available.

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