🖼 Reply to “Pictures and nothing else” thread 2023

Do you have any HTTP hyperlinks?

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I have these extenders as well. Wheelbase Extender Bracket Electric Skateboards | For Waterborne Surf Adapter – Waterborne Skateboards

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Ive used it a ton, it’s very strong. Wheelbase Extender Bracket Electric Skateboards | For Waterborne Surf Adapter – Waterborne Skateboards

I bought it when building my spruce moose board, a 6” AT surf adapter setup board. It was super tricky getting the tires to not bite the adapter itself. Ended up trying about 20 different combos of risers and stuff to finally get it to clear. In the end I just didnt like how aggressive the dropdown of the deck was.

It was a fun build though and was my first DIY after starting with a BKB Duo. I ran two 10S3P packs with a loop key hot swap setup. I could run one battery down, stop and swap the key, and boom Ive got another full pack.

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Khymera? Where’d you score one of those?

It’s @Jansen’s.

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It looks a LOT like the first solder I ever used. Was just cheap shit from ebay and was next to impossible to work with

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I am infuriated by the regular amount of motors these boards have. I demand my money back.


This one here is just waiting…


It is an usual turn out of 2wd tonight.

I had a lot of fun recently on my ancient 2wd 5060 150kv evolve little cans.


Goddamnit I know.


You crazy! Poastmote is better than OG puck definitely.
I personally prefer XL Batwing with Poastmote close second then PPB third


giphy (20)

PPB>>>Poastmote. That’s a FACT. Normal sized Batwing is king though, but wasn’t part of the list.

send me one, i will put it up on the list :smiling_imp:

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PSYCHOTILLER! Ques-Que-Se? Fa-fa-fa-fa fa-fa fa-fa fa

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Imagine holding your remote, just Velcro it to your glove you cavemen lol


They all suck.
Our hands evolved to hold bananas and penises, not pucks :face_with_monocle:


Counter argument: also stones. :smiley:

Imagine needing gloves to ride :roll_eyes:

I am from the future and Alexa holds everything for me, even my pp


“Alexa stroke my ego”