🖼 Reply to “Pictures and nothing else” thread_2020_summer

ahh ok…Is that good for using or just nahhh?

Nice to learn more about them :ok_hand:. Im looking to build an eMTB with a Unity too (though not with chains i dont think), torn between the deck you used and the Haero Bro, which is more expensive though I prob wouldnt tell the difference. The Lacroix looks lush, i thought they were Matrix 2’s from a glance, but i guess not.

I’d probably go for the Stormcore. Its more robust.

Naah, not now there’s affordable high-quality gear drives. My chains are fucking noisy.

I’ve never ridden a Bro but I’d probably prefer it now if I had the choice again. I like the wide footbeds. The DWII has nice contoured footbeds but you get a lot of toe-and-heel overhang. Getting a set of blades like @SabreDynamics’s would probably make a lot of difference. The DWII is proper stiff too, which is good for stability at speed but a bit tiring off-road.

They are, but they have these on them:

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hahaha, this is really cool imho.
Grrrrrrrrrreat :raised_hands: :pray: :smiley:

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dayum bro :eyes: the reply was half year ago

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oh that’s not a shower drain.

wait is it half a hub sitting in a shower drain?


I thought it was a shower drain too LoL

Then I’m thinking “Is that a wheel hub?” but it doesn’t look tall enough. So much :question:


doesnt matter to me even if it would be from the stone age :laughing:
Itz still there, isnt it?


I did the same a few months back. Saving to upgrade to Ryzen 9 5900X. Currently I’m running a Ryzen 5 3600X.


the key switch was just a “try-this-dumb-thing” thing :joy: it didn’t stay on for more than one ride, once my unity time out, i have to dig out my key again, annoying af actually


Yeah, that was what I thought, too when I saw that (a few minutes ago :smile: :partying_face:) but it must look so cool if you have to insert a standard key like this to get this thing running :joy:

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:thinking: Can’t you roll to start that bee-atch?

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maybe for the first time in front of friends, the 2nd time is getting annoying already especially after we ate and ready to ride again

i have it disabled, but technically i could have done that, so, yes


Was debating between 5900x or intel 10900k. Still don’t know lol

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It’s Lacroix’s new Groupe B hub, is it?

Those renders have a much more impressive dish than this does though. Maybe LaCroix is indeed taking the same design language to their upcoming line of bathroom fittings.


More flattering angles on FB now…


Please for the love of skatan do not use friction to keep the mounts from rotating. No matter how tight you screw or how much loctite you use I will never ever ever ever trust friction on anything on my drivetrain.


what do you mean?

The 3 link mounts?


What other way are you supposed to do it?

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There is a bolt that compresses the collar onto the threads. I think its a neat idea if it hasn’t caused any issues so far?
