šŸ–¼ Reply to ā€œPictures and nothing elseā€ thread_2020_summer

@Kai Buy a helmet first!


Ooooooh I am, i almost played flesh crayons the other night actually, back foot slipped and I was balancing on just my front leg for a good 12 seconds tryna put my back one back down without stepping on a wheel, goin bout 25. Yeesh. Had to run off in the middle of the street twice even faster than that and almost did a flip when I was tuning in my bushings. Havenā€™t landed on anything but my feet so far though!

Edit: I remembered that my profile picture is a cat LOL


Broā€¦ stop


Iā€™m thinking this one until I get something fancy cuz it could be here tomorrow and looks decent. But it doesnā€™t say anything about certifications and I know nothing about them. Do you think its decent? Or have a similar recommendation?

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I know peeps have been busting your balls but get a full face one. Iā€™ll fund you if youā€™d like :sweat_smile:



Honestly they should be busting my balls, I know I laugh it off but that shit was scary as FUCK. Ive been tryna look into them, especially after the above mentioned incidents. I like the full face style more. But I have long hair and think it might be more comfortable with half or 3/4. I really like the bell rogue style best so far.


Any helmet is better than no helmet. Stop optimizing and buy that shit already. I dare you. I double dog dare you pussy cat.

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True dat. Lol I will. Imma check the hallway closet too. I found a Scottish claymore in there the other day, so who knows, could be a full suit of armor.



I have hair down to my shoulders and rock a full face helmet no problem at all. The locks just flow out underneath the back of the helmet in the wind like a badass.

Iā€™m fairly certain @longhairedboy has a full face too. I highly suggest a full face man, protect those pearly whites


my 10" wobble as well quite a bit.

yup. TSG Pass. I also have a red and black pony tail i stick to the top of it sometimes.

but for your real hair, keep the pony tie near the base of your neck, itā€™ll be fine. also recommend multiple ties, just turn your hair into a rope if you can. The tangles arenā€™t worth the freedom.


Is there a food or cooking thread?


Idk but there could be. I grow my own peppers and stuff too. Im more than a skater! Lmfao.


Have you checked out the s1, I have one and they are certified and very comfortable.

S-ONE S1 Lifer Helmet for Biking, Skateboarding, and Roller Skating https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00A8QZU1A/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_DK9SKFHGAM1Z56SWHS8E


Nice! I quite like the purple and especially the Eddie one.

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I went boring and got flat, but the Eddie is sweet, I also like the glitter gold one.

If not we need one, canā€™t tell if your being sarcastic but I think it would be cool I know we got some cooking talent out there.

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I grow lots of vegetables and fruit. If people have a backyard I canā€™t recommend it enough.