replace microcontroller on fsesc 6.6 single?

Anyone ever de-solder the microcontroller and replace it? I think I shorted mine by making a crappy enclosure.
There is one post relating to this on the vesc forum.


Hot air station will be required


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If you want to do it yourself, you’ll need a hot air station as noted above and either a ST-Link or another functional VESC to load the firmware.

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I’ve done it a number of times with the CheapFOCer, and a few times with some other ESCs (im assuming the one other post was mine since I had issues programming one of them). If you’ve never worked hot-air before its not something that’s very forgiving, you can blow other components right off their pads.

Its doable, but not really something I or really anyone else would consider a “newbie friendly” task.

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