The original RaceBro parts that came off the board during the last few months are going to see a pretty exciting rebuild in this new thread along with some unobtanium parts as well. Gave that it’s own build thread.
Small update.
I made some modifications so that I am no longer bottoming out so early while turning on the 160mm linnpowers.
Took an angled grinder with a sanding disk attachment to the sides to give it some chamfer. I am nearly there now. A small riser would solve the issue. But I am so close I don’t want to resort to risers if there’s a way to avoid them.
I need to buy some of this type screw M6x16
Running no washer with these screws should hopefully give me just enough clearance so that I am no longer scraping on the bolts. Might need a bit more material taken out of the deck as well after, I don’t know, but that’s no big deal after I get clearance for the bolts.
Also argh I hate sanding carbon fiber.
Edit: ordered them should be here in 2 days.
How do you like the Linnpowers? I had to mount the Tito’s under the deck when I run the 160mm slicks to gain a little ground clearance.
I found them to work very well but not near as comfortable as the 9x3.5
It’s exciting to see you pushing the boundaries. Be safe. Far too many people getting hurt lately.
Thanks for sharing all that you are learning.
I need more time on them for sure. I can’t take it to the track until I get the clearance sorted out. Hopefully I can give a more educated opinion in a few days! However, now that the ambient temperatures are dropping so does my grip on the 9x3.5s due to my inability to heat them up. The linnpowers can heat up easier so I expect them to perform better.
So far I only had them on for less than a mile of carving just to check the clearance. They definitely aren’t a tire that I could daily drive on my setup that’s for sure. I have about 3.5-4cm clearance under my enclosure in the middle and scraping the sides while turning.
One thing I can say for sure is that different tires excell on different surfaces and at different ambient temperatures. At the race in Montrevel on the 9x3.5 I was struggling with grip while the linnpowers and BRPs gripped much more. Even though I expected that track with 30C weather to be a great surface for the 9x3.5s.
At the recent Czech tour there were no linnpowers this time but I was quite close to keeping up with the BRPs even though I didn’t have a whole lot of practice beforehand on the 4wd setup. The 9x3.5 performed much better here than in Montrevel, and the difference between them and the BRPs was much smaller.
The next race that’s coming up is an indoor painted surface, last time here I wasn’t really pushing the 9x3.5s much due to my fall before raceday but I also didn’t feel like they were bad here. This time the race will take place end of November so temperatures will be lower. My choice of tire will be linnpowers for sure, as I doubt I could get the 9x3.5 to heat up properly, but from previous experience I think slicks could work on this track. And if they don’t work out then I can swap on the exway venators which are proven to work well there and are easy to heat up.
Got the ultra low profile head screws installed. Still scraping. Instead of cutting into them I decided to save them for later and install countersunk screws.
Countersunk into the ABS. How long before the ABS will crack, that I don’t know. But I’ve got enough ABS for 6 spare enclosures so even though this is a bad idea I’ll roll with it.
Now onto a test ride to see if it still scrapes, if it does the next step is giving the deck more chamfer.
Some more material taken out and finally no scraping at full lean. So I’ll probably go out to the track today to get a few laps on the linnpowers.
Okay the linnpowers definitely have more grip here at least in the current weather.
13.34 toeside pb today at low battery. And 13.4x multiple times.
When they loose grip they just go. I only lost grip once but that was a good 90 degree oversteer without much control. Maybe if I get used to it it will get more controllable. So far the CST C190 9x3.5s slide characteristics is my favorite. That’s a bit violent, which makes it quick to gain back grip but it’s still controllable.
They didn’t get super hot I had like 13C ambient and 20psi. But definitely hotter than the 9x3.5s. Didn’t take the temp gun just felt them by hand.
Got a small tear in one of them though already
Getting every last millimeter turn possible. Do you use that much lean on track? I only seem to max out when doing u-turns off track
I actually do use that much lean! Even though just maxing out the truck with a slow U turn it doesn’t scrape anymore, on the track at 1G+ it can still scrape sometimes as I found out today.
Now I am at 35/12.5 angles btw
Oh makes sense from the g force and T-track is pretty tight. Seems like the new deck rides pretty different from the bro deck. Did you figure out bushings, I was wondering how aps or venom hpf would feel with the longer wheelbase for you.
So far I only tried WFB on the new deck. Running 93/95.5 front and 95.5/95.5 rear in the usual shapes.
My friend wants to try my WFBs eventually so we will change bushings with him for a session, that will give me a session on APS when we can coordinate our schedules together. But at this point I don’t think that the new setup will influence my choice of bushing formula.
yeahhh, they’ll do that a lot but nothing to worry about in my experience
Today I just did a 12.98 according to racechrono and 12.99 according to Dragy.
Grip is great, Dragy measured 1.32G lateral
And the violence of the tires loosing traction can be tamed. Today which is my second session on the tires I was pushing grip limit many times and I can finally control sliding if I go over the grip limit and bring it back. The aggressive nature of their slide means that they regrip quickly if I have them under control, which means loosing grip is a smaller time loss. My 9x3.5s are easier to tame but still a bit violent compared to most tires, my friend’s 9x3.5s are in my opinion not aggressive enough which makes it easy to tame but more time loss until it regrips. That’s good to learn how the edge of traction feels but not ideal for pushing the edge of traction once you master it.
Also new top speed on T-race is 57 km/h or 35.5 mph.
This bumps me up to 8th place with only 0.07s to 6th place.
And a weak heelside time which I’ll eventually need to start focusing on. But I want to have 1 or 2 more toeside sessions and try to get some small improvements there still.
That’s seriously impressive riding, bravo
fuck yes. GJ.
12.82 according to racechrono today. That bumps me up to 6th in total, but with the 2nd fastest lap in one direction.
Just 0.02 needed to beat Mario’s all time best lap which is 12.81.
I’ll do one more toeside session soon (once it gets dry again), hoping to gain that 0.02 which will be crazy hard. There’s not much more to gain, this lap was pretty much perfect. Putting down crazy power, good line, quick transitioning, maxing out tire grip.
Any gains outside of measurement accuracy would have to come from more grip (due to higher temperature or grippier tires or better surface), or from even more power which would be absolutely nuts. My top speed reached on T-race is already far above anyone else’s as far as I know.
After that it will be time to focus on my heelside which is very lacking in comparison at 13.97. But what that means is room for improvement!
I just realized I never shared the esk8 calc after all the updates
So here it is on the 160mm linnpower tires
1844N acceleration (60/200A) and 2057N braking (200/90A) 38-46mph top speed
On the 9x3.5s it’s still plenty powerful:
1419N acceleration 1582N brake 49-60mph top speed
When accelerating, you have more amps in the back and vice versa when braking right?
Acceleration is 60 front 200 rear per motor
Braking is 200 front 90 rear per motor
That said, I highly doubt that the tires have enough grip to actually put down all that from 0 speed. I’d love to find out but that means that I need to stop being lazy and wire up the hall sensors.
This man woke up in the morning and decided to fight God.