Push assist/Endless mode, let's talk about it!

Hmm ackmaniac’s not over on this side? I remember he was writing about endless mode on the other forum. Here’s an example.

Gonna keep throwing up relevant links here

droidsector also did an implementation, with some sketchy body motion to deactivate :wink:

mellow drives with Carver trucks. This is probably going to lead me to action…

wtf I wanna be @okp (he not here?) when I grow up

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Yeah that would definitely be possible, easily even. You even linked it in your last posts with links. This is wat the FireFly Nano originally has built-in, for when the remote is off. But what about the brakes? Without a remote or human interaction (by button) the board could go into “coasting” but how would you activate brakes?

Brakes are mandatory in traffic. That’s why I modified Droidsectors version.

Edit: I never had a dropout on my FireFly.

I hope no one rides faster than they can push in traffic in endless mode. If they do, their funeral.


I havent read all of this thread but the video shows a version of push assist that is good enough for me…

maybe a tiny remote instead of a button on the deck.

a tiny remote

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Well, mellow makes this possible and the video with the button on the board too. Just keep pushing… Right?

Ackmaniac’s PID no acceleration mode is pretty close to what I would want out of an endless ride mode.

Basically you kick up to the speed you want, engage the throttle and it goes. Let go of the throttle and it coasts, and brake engages the brake like normal.

The only things it’s lacking are the speed ramping down slowly, and if power is engaged you can’t kick it up to a higher speed without letting go of the throttle first. You can tune the PID to have a huge range of give, so it’s possible, but you still would need to toggle throttle off and back on again every time you kick.

A fun oddity is that depending on how you set your PID values, it’s possible to pump up to higher speeds, almost like you are jumping off the force from the throttle. By disengaging the throttle and giving the board a quick forward motion so it’s going a bit faster than before for a split second and reengaging the throttle while sliding the board forward, you kindof jump into higher and higher speeds. Get into a rythm, and you can pump up to any speed you want… it’s so novel and unexpectedly fun that it almost beats out pushing to a certain speed and just cruising there. Going scary fast after 10 pumps with no throttle just feels wild as a totally unorthodox form of endless ride.


You just gave me a pretty good idea. A push assist only remote.


That’s what Guido did. Just that it’s wired and on the deck.

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What about instead of a remote it uses your phone?

Could basically build in unlimited functionality.

Maybe something could sense resistance when you foot brake to activate some sort of brake assist?

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I wouldn’t want to be holding my phone. First of all it’s not ergonomic


Ah true I did not give ergonomics a thought.

This would be useful for those in countries where esk8 is illegal. Otherwise, the whole point of endless mode is not needing a remote imo

Can’t lie that sounds like the absolute worst thing ever

maybe a RF buttplug


clench to brake


so stealth.


Yeah the use would be for adjusting settings and maybe boosting up hills and maybe engaging brakes but I think that would be better left to a button on the board.

What is the planned cruising speed again? Under 20mph right.

Yeah that would give a detectable current spike. Essentially the same as droidsectors little backwards movement.

Phones could be through BLE, a on/off only could be possible. Means a normal PWM could be used when you don’t use you push only.

Edit: now when such a spike is detected, cruise is disengaged. What you’d want is actively braking. Possible but what about that real quick brake? The board doesn’t know if you just want to stop or if you need to stop quicky for a traffic light.

Ofcourse you can always jump off and braking is then enough to stop the board but this is not an ideal solution.

You’ve tried this stuff? Awesome. Maybe the mode can be modified to allow increasing speed, so just hold throttle down, and kick/pump up to whatever speed you please. Depending on setup I can get a pump going faster than I can push…