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That weird desire to jump is referred to as “call of the void”, effectively random instrusive suicidal thoughts.

I get them too sometimes, though I’m not the type to kill myself.

I’m mostly scared of heights due to factors I can’t control, as in a faulty parachute, or the ground breaking out from under me, or even someone pushing me off because they’re a cunt. Trust issues, you know? :joy:

With heights that could but won’t certainly kill me, I’m worried about being stuck in a vegetative state with no way to signal for my own desire to have my plug pulled. :man_shrugging:t2:


Out of subjecr question : one of you smart people know of a lightweight way of emulating usb over radio?

Like plug one chip to a pc, plug one chip to your device and to a battery and enjoy (medium-short range)

It’s a low res camera plus some xyz positioning data, but it works a closed proprietary hardware and the only interface it has is usb

right so quick update my diy micro board will be delayed as my family thought it was a good idea to use it as campfire materials, i guess next time dont let it rest next to planks

edit: it was only the wooden deck and it wasnt cut yet so i dont blame them


Oh, snap

Time for a Plan B

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literally fucking snap if you see my pulley post

Are you trying to top this or just average it out?

or the masterwork of Kamijuins


id say the length is on the money but that height has room to improve

btw just bought a 3d printer so i can finally make a decent enclosure

You’re correct, it could a be a little taller so you can loosen up those trucks a little more and gain some stability.

short funny story, i forgot that forward was NOT the brake on my remote, shot out from under my feet, felt confused as to what happened then dumb after i did understand what i did. surely im not the only one :slight_smile:

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Had the same happen to me back when i tried my friends evolve for the first time.

Pulled the throttle towards me thinking it’s the brake like on the regular scroll wheel based remotes…Well it wasn’t lol.


bit random but if anyone can donate it would be most kind

(you can keep anonymous if you would like)

cycling 100miles for charity (a volunteer organization for special needs kids)

thank you so much and please donate generously


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Anyone got trampa tattooed on their lower back yet to be funny?


Nope, got it inked on the shaft like everyone else.


Don’t forget tm though, you don’t wan’t to get sued and the object of litige taken into custody

the nozzle on my 3d printer doesnt get warm? it just reads -15

I’m assuming you’ve checked with your fingys and are 100% sure it’s not getting heated and just reading wrong…

Check the heating element out in the hotend and see if the cable is bent/broken or if it’s giving a normal resistance value.


Hey. I’m in the process of ordering parts for my first diy build. What I wanna know is, what 6355-6374 motors are the most realiable nowdays? I’ve read about battle hardened, and found out some aren’t really battle hardened. use of minimal epoxy etc.


What kind of build are you going for ? offroad or street?

If you’re not looking for heavy offroad you don’t really need battlehardened

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Didn’t know your tattoo artist could do size 8 font…