I’m entirely on Teddy’s side here, sorry . You’re clogging up space and being about as unhelpful as I typically am. Difference is you’re pretending to be helpful, im not.
You’re not obligated to do anything for anyone!
The problem is how you claim to perform these noble actions for others out of the goodness of your heart and how helping people is your only motive because you’re such a wonderful and helpful person. (feel free to quote)
That couldn’t be more false, and whenever the real truth comes out, you panic, deny, and lash out. I think it’s hilarious until it actually affects a forum member looking for help.
But you keep doing you, and I’ll keep calling out your hypocrisy, pedantry, and lies
Its a shame that I don’t have the time for lvl 3 member anymore, I miss all the drama going on here.
Most recent “drama” has all been public. Nothing in lv3
Yeah but I only skim new threads, or old ones popping up, if any at all. So the lounge was usually a nice summary.
@jack.luis waiting for this sort of backpack that integrates with the puck please… except well, not like this one naturally… one inspired by this sort of thing but done well…
Yup, haven’t missed much unless you like seeing photos of fucked up faces after an injury. and by photos I mean it just happened once because I broke my jaw on a curb. I forget this thread exists and just defaulted to the private one
honestly scrolling up a bit in this thread shows more drama happening in the last day over here than anything in the past month on the private thread
130mm is the perfect size for polyurethane esk8 wheels, IMHO
I’d be down for taller thane wheels if and only if they didn’t also make them so much wider. Unless they still ended up heavy enough to annoy me like the tb110s do.
I am still not sure if the size of them or the weight of them is what caused issues on my board, but I’m not about to buy other large wheels just to test that
Wideness is a massive part of what makes them good

Wideness is a massive part of what makes them good
I have heard it said that wider wheels (especially wide wheels with a square profile) catch a lot of imperfections in the pavement and/or train-track on cracks and bumps a lot more than a wheel with a narrower/rounded profile. That matches my experience going from something large and square like an Abec 107 to something rounder like a cloudwheel on my old Metroboard. Has that not been your experience?
If i think about some of my builds, my favourite thane wheels follow a pretty obvious trend…
1 - akashas 76mm
2 - 88wheels mcflys 86mm
3 - boosted 105s
4 - abec 111
Smol wheel on top
Small wheels have their own problems too. Usually getting full on stuck/ stopped by cracks or ditches. Which is why I’d be down to try a larger diameter wheel that had the same width since that should help avoid that, or at least make it to where the crack needs to be bigger to get the wheel stuck in it.
I’ve not had the “train- track” issue you mention. Only places that might do it (where I’m at) is next to curbs where water flows but I’m not about to test that. I don’t want to break my jaw again before it is fully healed
The big ones are more enjoyable for me. Narrow isn’t good for me on things like railroad tracks and rough pavement. But everyone is different … use what you enjoy.
Amazon’s recommendations are always all over the place for me but this is the most insane I’ve seen it be
Ok let’s talk receivers. I’m going to run a z.mote and put a puck receiver in my enclosure also, so that I have a backup if I ever smash up my remote.
Are there multiple ways to do this? pros and cons please
@zero_ads method is plugging the backup receiver into the other esc, but I don’t know how that would work if you had to swap over. Would you have to reprogram the ESCs to make the can esc the main one?
PPM splitter seems simpler. Is there a reason not to do that?
Following. I was planning to do it like Jimmy, I assume that whichever esc has an input signal automagically becomes the primary