Today has been… Interesting.
I have little to no recollection of any of this but according to my partner, around 6:20AM this morning I made a large gasping noise which my partner assumed was due to bumping my collarbone
My partner looked over to see me foaming at the mouth and twitching in the eyes. My partner rolled me on to my side as I continue to thrash a bit.
Eventually I asked THEM if they were okay with what they call “the verbality of a toddler”

Eventually I wake up and sit up but wasn’t acting very cognizant, my pupils were very dilated. My partner helped me get dressed and I stumbled down the stairs. I went to the bathroom first and then met my partner in our living room on the couch. Once I made it to the couch (this is the first thing I remember) I seemed to properly wake up, I was still kinda struggling to process, my family asked me some questions and I said 2013 was the year I was born and the current US president was Tacoma (WA)
I ended up going to the hospital, got my urine checked, blood labs, EKG, and a CAT scan. Nothing showed anything out of the ordinary so I went home and took a nap.
During that nap I had my second seizure of the day! I went back to the hospital, got some medication prescribed and an IV injection.
I’m currently back home, I’ve decided to sleep in the living room so that everybody else in the house is more easily available. Having 1 seizure is jarring, having a second seizure within hours of returning from the hospital is entirely different.
@iNoLikeFlexyDecks I know you have some experience with epilepsy (and it does sound like your seizures present very differently) but do you have any recommendations? Suggestions? Advice? I have a referral to see a neurologist but I’m not exactly sure what else I’m supposed to do with this information.
Fortunately I am okay I’m healthy. I have a prescription that should prevent any more seizures but this is all very new and spooky to me.