Psychotiller - Contacting Psychotiller is a waste of your time

Just message dave last night about the slight bend in my heXL, It deffinitly urethane thats causing problem. Looking foward to the gen 2.


@topcloud what’s mastercarve? The complete from @Psychotiller, abec 11 and jet decks? the official name of psycotillers and abec 11s collaboration?


I actually think it would look cool if they were like the camoed surfrodz basically a big middle finger to them saying we don’t need your trucks.


Thanks for the involvement Karl, its really appreciated. I have been waiting a while for mine(2 months) and I can only assume that once the problems arose then Dave stopped shipping the v1’s which is the reason for the delay.


It always feels so great to read you, my friend, thanks a lot for taking times for us, and let us know.
I don’t really know what to say more … except thank you a lot once again, for your help, patience, kindness and integrity!! (I take your words really to heart :heart: )

I’m not used to be rude, but I’m sorry if I was. I just want to apologize to @Psychotiller for my mood swings here.
I guess that’s what happens when you invest (a little too much) with passion. I bet a lot for these trucks, just because I know what they could bring to me (even before any report), and I’m really happy to learn that the adventure is not complete for me!

You can count on me Karl!



black or raw, IMHO.


Red would ruin alot of themes, black and gunmetal are good work with everything colors.

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So is raw :slight_smile:


I think the anodizing is to add strength to the hangers.

Extra layer of protection.


So clear anodizing :blush:


I’m very happy to hear about the improvements on the HeXL hangers. I haven’t ridden mine much and I was worried after the photo because I intended to ride on Trampa Gummies.

@topcloud maybe I missed this in an earlier post but is there a process for getting the V2 hangers? Or should I just message you & Dave if my V1s have issues


Has anyone been in contact with @Psychotiller recently? I had an order for a battery+enclosure back at the end of July, and haven’t been able to get a response from him on FB or on Instagram.

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Lol my boy is busy but yeah he’s still alive, saw him a couple days ago


Yeah I figured he’s been busy and know he’s alive since he posted on Instagram recently, just trying to get an ETA on my build haha

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Had a small order from him recently. Took a month to receive it, never got any email response though. Package was only shipped when I filed a dispute with PayPal. :neutral_face:

If he is so busy, he could have at least taken 5 minutes to put a note about delays on his website.

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Yeah Dave knows his shit Is pretty fucked rn lol, it really is a when it’s done it’ll come situation

Yeah it would be nice to at least get an approx. ETA or a response at all, especially after 2 months for me. I know batteries take a couple weeks to build, but it’s the last component I need so everything else is just sitting there assembled and waiting.

Me too, just like @andrewmunsell

I was considering getting an enclosure from him but didn’t end up doing it because of the potential delay.

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I love you man, that’s the silliest thing I’ve heard today, but I love you man :slight_smile:.