Problems with unity setup

Glad you got it working. Now you can start slowly cranking the power :slight_smile: I would expect those motors to be good for at least 45A as long as you an eye on the temperatures :grin:

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I have quite a few gripes with it. Probably sounds a bit bitchy, but it is just my opinion.

1: the battery gauge on mine does not work.
2: there is no wrist strap
3: the hole where you put your finger through is very rough on the top.
4: somthing rattles when I shake it.
5: the spot where you put your finger to move the throttle and break is slippery.
6: there is not enough ā€œthrowā€ in the throttle and break, I find it to sensitive at all points of the curve.


I just finished fully testing the AT build with the unity, 10s4p 30q, and ugly gold evolve motors (150ish kv)

The board used to top out at about 21mph with the evolve electronics, now it goes about 19. The unity app reads the motors at a little over 36v at full speed.
Would it be going slow because of the motor KV, or gearing? I would like for it to top out at around 25mph.

Yes :slight_smile:

Plug your numbers into any of the online eskate calculators. You can change pulley gearing, kv, wheel size, or battery voltage to influence top speed.


Ok. I just wanted to make sure it was not the unity putting a limit on the speed in some way.
I just find it strange that the crappy evolve electronics made it go faster than the unity.

Sorry for reviving an old thread. Here the back story. My board decided to not turn on after 200-300 miles of use. It turned off on me mid ride after some bumps. I turned it back on and it rode for a bit until it turns off again and then it wouldnā€™t turn on.

I swapped around the physical on/off button with my other board to determined the button wasnā€™t the issue. Tonight I realized the unity bluetooth module had popped off and just laying there under the silicone cover. I reseated it and the Unity still wonā€™t turn on, I pulled off the BT module and voila! The board was alive. So I plugged in an older Metr BT module I had, plugged the unity into a computer which I havenā€™t done in the past two build since Unity had that easy app setup which no longer works without that module

Hereā€™s my n00b issue itā€™s been like two years since Iā€™ve used the vesc tool. I had to update the unity FW and VESC Tool in order to configure the Unity again. Went through everything and everything seems to run fine

ERPM was at 100,000. Am still supposed to put that at 65,000?

Next issue, with the unity I donā€™t have canbus so there no master and slave setting right? I checked the setting with the METR app, read the escā€™s setting and saw setting for vesc 1 AND vesc 2 and they had different numbers, should I worry? Is this normal?!

Oh and hereā€™s the BT module port. Does something look burnt to you?

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you need to set it up like a normal single ESC, for both ECSs, and halve everything, just like we had to do in the stone-ageā€¦

Fuk! I hated those days of opening up the board 89 time before itā€™s done. Guess Iā€™ll look into how to do this with the Unity since itā€™s only got one USB portā€¦ didnā€™t even see a option for setting one master or slave. Need to investigate.

lowest esc is master

the other is:


but it donā€™t matter much everything is mirroredā€¦ master slave as i recall you donā€™t even worry aboutā€¦ just use the lowest CAN/vesc # to set it upā€¦ then switch and do the other oneā€¦

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Lowest? Do you mean 0 vs 1 like the old days?

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mine came up as 10 and 11

i set it up using 10, then set up 11

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it fukked me up big time at firstā€¦

I had to go back to the past and reread @mmaner ACK setup thread twice to get it rightā€¦


Maybe Iā€™ll show up for your ride just to have to setup my board hahahahaha

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go slowā€¦ n check your workā€¦ and youā€™ll be goldā€¦ watch out FW5.01 still has motor temp. sensor filtering issues on itā€¦


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