Power Traverse - electric snowboard

Screen Shot 2021-06-30 at 9.40.13 PM

Custom cable - 3 x 6mm 5 x .3mm

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Weight and size has been the biggest feedback so far. Make it smaller, make it lighter.

Expect titanium axle shafts and hardware as options.


5-10min job, designed so you can remove the paddle across from a broken blade to rebalance the wheel or fix it.

I want to try variable sizes like a cogged wheel. Might hook up good.


Items in this shipment

\ 60x60 MakerX Go-FOC HI100 75V 100A base on VESC 75300 × 1
![\ 18x18]

Any experience with these? We will try and tune the Kv to work with these on our 16s setup to hit a lower price point.

We will use Trampa 100/250 in our 20-22s setups & possibly this in the 16s systems.

Sell us this cable.

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This :arrow_up:, except 6 data wires would be a lot better than 5

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why? Hall only needs 5, no?

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Temperature sensor


Deeper 100mm paddles


The renders are glorious, but do you have any recent videos or stills of this in action?


The motors are not complete yet. Only video was from prototypes and I was typically hiding in the forest trying to stay off IG. The prototypes all had issues. We are learning how to progress the design from these failures. Building marketing units to film content and test while working towards production units.


I don’t want to sound like many others that have expressed concern… broken record… but don’t jump the gun on production before you’ve hammered out all the details and issues in design/testing to achieve a durable/reliable product.

That said I am definitely rooting for you, and eager to see a ground breaking, snow shaking new product.


It’s been year of testing… Building a foundation of knowledge. So far this has been about engineering NOT snowboarding.

We will make customers happy. Being the first to market gives us the luxury of focusing on performance and customer service.


If and when I get one of these I will be super glad you focused on engineering so I can focus on the snowboarding. Keep up the good work I look forward to trying this out.


Awesome stuff. Just wanted to add a bit to this thread.

I built an electric snowboard and tested it over the winter. It had a track between the rider’s legs. It was impossible to control, couldn’t get it to turn in a fun way. Was using a beefy esk8 motor with a big reduction gear. Not really enough torque. Good luck @powertraverse .


need a pic on that sorry, what do you think about if the track spun around and had something like a keel to keep it pointed you direction of travel?

My current idea is that you could put possibly more than one rotating trust modules with fins below to keep them pointed forward. If a single track really doesn’t work out then EDF/jet thrusters maybe the way to go.

Going straight was not the problem, so no to the fin. It was impossible to turn - or at least, it theoretically could have worked on powder, but since I could never get there it wouldn’t have mattered. The track was lifted from a Honda snowblower. I’ve driven myself bonkers thinking about how to build some crazy linkages. A football shape might work but I don’t know how to build it.


I can imagine this might ride nicely if the forward thrust only engaged when the snowboard was flat to the ground.

I don’t really enjoy having both edges down at the same time on a snowboard, this is only used for me to gather speed, then as the rider leans onto an edge to skid/carve, it would disengage the drive giving you a nice freewheel carve.

Artists impression

I think carving on a snowboard feels so great because you are free-sliding on a waxed board, as soon as you engage a drive, you might lose that floating feel that is most of the fun for me.


do you think a back/body mounted fan/jetpack style solution is best thing for achieving most everything you do when riding a snowboard, non electric?

I think a spinning thruster in the middle would be best… if you feet were somehow not in the way of the thrust

Maybe the fin for tracking the spinning truster would also be the outlet for the thrust, below the deck and in the snow I would guess.

would something like that be remotely stable? who knows…

If you had me being pulled from the hips or shoulders (like they do with kites), that would be very different to analogue snowboarding.

Maybe if it had an Actuator to lower the traction drive into/out-of position could give you the traditional snowboard feel.

Just like an electric-mountainboard is very different ride style to a normal mountainboard (one that needs hills), it’s gonna be the same with a snowboard.

The ‘freewheel’ effect of riding a waxed plank with sharp edges just isn’t compatible with ‘getting traction’.

From my short test ride on a summerboard, I found it weird that you would both be skidding the fixed wheels and accelerating the caster simultaneously.

On a snowboard, I go straight and do long carves to gather speed, and skid/scrape sideways to lose it. Honestly, that’s the ride I’d be looking for.