Possibly a Better Way to Search for Things on this Forum?

I found something that may help searching the forum be just a bit easier:

This is just a custom google search that is limited to just this website, as well as the Freesk8 forum. The search function on discourse is just a plaintext search, but this link utilizes Google’s search functionality. So hopefully google will come up with some more relevant results.

Please give it a go and let me know if the results are any better than the forum’s built in search!

Note: This custom search can also be used on any website, so technically we could also create an even more narrowed down search to just one thread, i.e. the battery builder’s thread.
Here is the link to create another custom search if anyone else wants to try it out: https://programmablesearchengine.google.com/controlpanel/create


Oh no now I get Ads, :stuck_out_tongue:

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This is the best. This is how I’ve been searching the forum, recently too (but I just use Google’s homepage and add the google-fu to the end)

So I’ve been using this for a little bit and I have gotten much better search results. I was searching for discharge mapping curves when setting up my BMS and here is the difference in results:

Google custom search:

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