Plutonium Slayer - 4WD TBDDxL 60kv|18s5p P42a| Dual Stormcore 100D

at 95% duty cycle they should do 100 motor at 95 battery amps, so you were going too slow and your battery was too small. :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue:

Lol 18s5p p42a is good size, but yeah I never pushed them to the limit

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I think the question is. Did you, @Skyart lower your settings on your 18s setup to match the total watts as the 12s setup. or VIce Versa (esc might be limiting factor). Are motors same size, same final erpm, same final reduction. Is wh/mi similar. There is a lot factors to consider @fessyfoo

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I did none of this :man_shrugging: so yeah I dont really have a good comparison

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Best motors in the eskate world. They have around 10kw of potential power each, nothing compares at that size. Got 8 of them, never buying any other, 203 kv, 123 amps officially, no problem pushing 150+. Sweet build


Only problem is - can’t buy them :grin:


Ftfy :rofl: everything has a price, but not everyone wants to pay that much

Awesome build! Doing something similar, how did you set-up your stormcores for 4wd in vesc tool? I connected them both over canbus using RX tx and 5v pins, but I can’t get the second one to detect. Also the second one does not turn off when I turn the main one off. Any tips appreciated :slight_smile:


I think you may have the UART port amd canbus confused

This is can


This is UART

You only need to connect canh canL and I think 5v


i have all 4 wires plugged on my xeniths so i need both power switches to turn them both on but one to turn both off, these are connected to the same battery pack atm. i believe u need the data wires and negative wire if ur doing two vesc to one pack so u can turn them both on and off with one switch it might be 5v tho best to try both @Dunkan

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Yes sorry I had them confused, I meant canH csnL and 5v

Aah right, yeah I would like to avoid having two power buttons, but one power switch turns them both on, it’s just the slave one stays on when I turn the switch off

Yea the two power button setup is a tad annoying but i got use to it and kinda like it. But if do believe correctly from lee wrights video its data wires and negative so the negatives can short each other out and be powered by one switch. Id be nice if it was a wire guide setup to 4wd builds cause its a pain to find this stuff out.

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Aah yeah I’ve heard that too, I’ve heard not to use the gnd and only canl canH and 5v as the 5v acts as a push to start so it powers it on. I’ll do more tests and report! Cheers