Please help me in choosing the right battery

Looking to figure out specs and get a custom battery built.

Hey! I’m thinking of picking up your 12s2p battery. do you have the specs for the BMS ? ( Max cont. Discharge and max peak discharge ?)


I would strongly recommend against it, the specs do not seem legitimate and the price is rather high.

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Do you have any recommendations ? I’ve been looking for a few days and can’t find anything that’s suitable and I don’t trust in my ability to wire things myself

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I saw your post on the old forum. Avoid MBoards and most chinese esk8 solutions if you want a battery with strong discharge that will last you a long time. I suggest getting a proper builder to hook you up. We have some strong battery guys in our ranks.

Where are you located?


I’m in MI USA. I was thinking having someone build one for me would be the absolute best way to go but I have no idea who to ask. I appreciate you helping out!

Also an update. I got a refund on my mboards order just a couple hours ago! :grin::ok_hand:


every time I see this thread pop up again I think somebody’s trying to buy the forum.


Went ahead and ordered all my parts from torqueboards but don’t have a battery solution yet

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Give yourself a manly but not overly long hug for that. I think you were looking for 10s3p?


Good call. One of our very best.


I’ll buy it from you for $1K per person.


I can’t get a decent jet for that. NEXT


That’s what I had in mind but I don’t know what the best would be. I don’t think I’ll really push more than 20mph but I want good range. I don’t know exactly how much these batteries should be going for for the exact needs I have but right now I just want something I know will work and not kill me :joy: price isn’t a huge issue as long as it’s not crazy. I figure 10s is good because I won’t be pushing the ESC to it’s limits. But also I know 12s could get me longer range at the cost of top speed if I program it that way. Idk what to get

Let’s back up a bit. Do you have a deck and enclosure picked out or purchased?

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I can send you the results from the esk8 calculator if that would help at all. ( As close to the right specs as I can find for the pasts anyways ) or I can send you a SS of my receipt

I have a 44" pintail deck with minimal flex. I was planning to diy an enclosure or buy a cheap plastic one. Split them up so the battery is in the back and the rest is in the front maybe ? I was thinking of getting a cheap dropthrough deck though because I’ve always wanted one anyways

@eBoosted’s shop have plenty of option to choose from if deck and enclosure haven’t been decided yet.


I’ll check them out. Thanks!

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If it’s dead flat, I would suggest going the double drop. TB has a nice deck on offer, but I’m not sure if he has the enclosures ready for them yet.