Please help a noob with Unity

Hey bud ,is your problem fixed ? I’ve been pulling out the rest
of my 52 year old already bald head all winter to try to figure out how to fixx my unity /vx2 remote that was working perfectly fine before vesc tool phone app stopped working due to a new firmware available but a bug or something wsas keeping me from downloading the update ( yes I know the desktop version of the app is way better but I don’t have computer because I suck at it…) but yesterday because the weather is getting better and I really want to ride that board I tried once again and succeeded from my phone app to download the new firmware 6.02 and do my motor setup with no issues…the battle was won but the war was yet to come (because I suck at it…).
So I tried literally every combination possible in the app configuration with uart,ppm and vesc remote until patatow it f’n works. I can try to help if you haven’t figured out what the issue is yet

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I can confirm that the built-in ble on unity wont accept config writes if another UART device is connected.

I took the built-in ble out of all my unities and replaced with legit Bluetooth modules, never had a problem again.