PLÄÄNK | Leg Throttle | Flight Safe | 10s3p | DV4 | M1GD/TB6355 | TB100

All the P groups are stripped of their shrink tubing and glued together with JB Weld to increase the stronkness :muscle:

The enclosure sections are wetted out with epoxy, filleted and rounded over, and then sanded.

And I got a kweld baaayyybeeeEEEEEEEE :partying_face:


Loving the science here dude!


Please, for the love of Skatan, put a case on that kweld :grimacing:


I know my dude, I can only print so fast :sweat_smile: this literally came in last night, I won’t power it up till then


My DMs are always open to more unsolicited deck pics…that board is gorgeous


lol thanks, I greatly enjoy my deck too


I 3dp’d the case for my first one, and got the laser cut acrylic case for the second. Its a wank, but the acrylic enclosure is super cool :rofl:

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It sure is, but I spent all my christmas monies already :face_exhaling:

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Zippety Zap


Zappity zip
The seam between the fish paper rings and the fish paper wrap has always bugged me, especially now that I removed the shrink tubing, so I put fish paper on the inside of my nickel on the positive terminals.

The board is a little too flexy, so I took this opportunity to strip off the spar urethane from the underside, which will definitely go down as one of the most experiences of my life.

I put about 1,000gsm of glass there, a bit sloppy but hey, no one’s going to see it. Again, this tight weave fiberglass is absolute ass to work with, I feel like I would need infusion grade epoxy to get it to wet out correctly.


no more 8s? who is gonna give stooge their competition now?

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It was a close competition, but I just couldn’t beat him with 6355 Motors and a dv4. This is a step backwards, I know, but I have to learn to live with humility.

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So no one asks how you ride with the LegStick? Sure the wood work on the deck is something but How does it work?

I use a sorta throttle joystick for my inlines but then my feet are locked in my boots (there’s a fixed reference point on the boot for the throttle position to change) so definitely curious to see what’s your solution for a skateboard🔥

Is the base fixed to the deck? Or you lock your shoe in? How do you brake?


The base is attached to the board behind my trailing heel. The strap on the left attaches under my knee. The lower assembly is a two axis gimbal, and the throttle sensor is attached to the forward/back axis. The telescoping joint provides extension and rotation in the Z axis, and the ball joint at the top provides rotation in pitch and roll. So, I can move freely however I want to on the board, but the throttle sensor only picks up how far I am leaned forwards or backwards. Lean forward to go forward, lean backwards to brake.


@Vanarian hope you wanted feet pics cuz ur getting feet pics



That toe gap could make you a lot of money, young man. Hit up @BillGordon if you want to be a star.


Golly gee mister where do i sign

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Bru that’s fucking brilliant execution and nice toes :fire:

Just careful do you have a quick detach of some sort in case you need to bail out of the board ?


Yep, the telescoping joint just falls out, there’s no retaining feature. The wire is a small loopkey that shuts off the throttle sensor, so VESC hits the brakes


V3 Legthrottle™: IMU on leg, wireless to VESC :eyes: