Two years ago I started collecting parts for this build. It’s an SRB inspired cruiser. Since I’m such a big fan of first runs it’s the first Northcamp deck off the red ember line and somewhere I have a letter confirming that. However, life is what happens when you make other plans. At the time, moe had offered me chasis #4 and since I was so excited to get an srb I commandeered the mambas from this build and then soon after my father passed which upended everything. Today I’m finally in a place where I can actually start building again and I finally started working on the deck last night.
This post will be updated as I build and parts will get added to the thread as they get added to the board.
Starting with the deck: the plan is epoxy with glass frit. Unlike my senderized board The Nightbloomer (is that still a word here?), The Superboard is getting hand painted before the epoxy goes on. Can you guess the theme?
Here I’m laying down a white base coat to make the pinstripe and the shield really pop.
After the base dries I’m covering it with painters tape to shield it from the sparkly blue unicorn spit which will be used to stain the wood while preserving the beautiful wood grain
Glass frit is okay, it gets the job done, and I’ve also used aluminum oxide crystals (and epoxy) which was better than glass frit (IMHO) but the general consensus now I think is that grip tape is just … really good.
I was thinking about that. My two fit boards fuck up my hands all the time. I just really like the look. I was going to use fine to medium to keep it from being too sharp
I will admit my frit is corse,though turns out im really happy with it. I prefer Tomiboi bindings,this was next best thing. <look into the shimmering FRIT an be converted OOOAAHHH>
What is the corsest grip tape you are aware of?<shimmer,convert >I would use 40 grit if i could find it. <FRIT is keen>If this board has to go in a car,if i dont wrap the deck it will "gnaw "on anything it touches . Also i think grip tape design is fasinating,I am not good at it but i like it.
Stenceling my frit failed in spectacular fashion. Thats why its so artfully designed .<convert>
I am also biased towards frit because i managed to do DIY something that does’nt scream
“post me on shitty DIY NOW”<i like frit better despite it being inferior,Sk8tdad was right about so many things!>
Disaster!!! I had a drip I didn’t catch while doing the underside. Trying to cover it with a fade from the edges. But I might have to tape it Bach up and do a couple full coats over the whole thing