OMW Calvary: Another 12s4p premade

My phone gives me prebuilts sometimes, and this company popped up.

a 12s4p under 40 lbs and has a built in light along with a lot of features for the price tag. Although it seems more of a propel GT comparison due to the way it markets itself down the to details. What do y’all think?

Look like renders to me. Esk8 red flag.

Seems legit.

There are a few reviews already and this includes a very basic teardown also.

It’s Run of the mill two in one type setup with a choice of deck flex though… It’s good to get some extra variety I suppose.


A Kami video is the perfect way to shut me up. :joy:


Lol sorry I didn’t mean it to come across like that.

Just the Aussie humor I guess :sweat_smile:

No offense whatsoever. I love me some Kami.

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Fuck that he is a rite cunt don’t take that shit from him( spits enormous wad of gum on sidewalk,mashes it down,dares someone to cane me)

Drama! I demand drama, I have popcorn and no drama,I’ll settle for jail