Old school square black focbox firmware

Hi, long time no see. Anyways, I just built a new battery pack in hopes of getting back on my board. I’m trying to use the vesc tool wizard but it says my firmware is too old. I chose the latest but there are a ton of different hardware choices. I can’t seem to figure out the correct one. Any ideas? I’ve searched for a while. Enertions site is gone.


Hardware version 410 & 411 & 412 is what you’re looking for. Dont forget to change duty cycle current limit to 80% since it didn’t exist on very old firmware.

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Yeh I went down that rabbit hole and ended up binning mine as no matter what rendition it wouldn’t work :cry:

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If its old enough, could have a corrupt or missing bootloader. Try flashing that first, followed by the FW if you havent already. Shouldnt put a perfectly good focbox to waste, they’re still a very usable VESC.

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