Not a bustin v2 x+ coming in today

I’m pretty excited about this board ! I have a evolve stoke and board that I built that’s great at fast speeds with wide trucks , very stable but coming from old school skateboarding I’m missing the actual feel of hard wheels and more standard truck sizes I understand starting electric or snowboarding there’s a smooth feel that’s great for cruising but I’m hoping to get a little more of an aggressive feel from this board set up for sliding . Now the other boards are great! But I like to have a board to do specific things. First hub wheel set ups so that’s a little different but I’d really like to get away from belts ( Little Rock’s suck) anyone ride a bustin?


let us now how it rides…i rode the regular x version and it was disappointing. Remote lags and jerks…not enough punch.

This one is supposed to be better and a buff loved his so I’ll let you know


I’ve got a bustin yoface on its way to me, my first small wheel, hub powered board also :yum:

I ride a normal Bustin v2 S - totally love it, though I now can only ride in the highest speed mode 4 for the torque I have now been accustomed to. Because it is a hammock type of drop deck - you may want to change the back baseplate to a lower angle to get rid of speed wobbles at the higher speeds.

and upgrade to RipTide sports bushings for your weight category @RipTideSports

I love the fact that I can kickpush the board super easily (good free-roll) when I want to because of it’s really low height and keep it stealthy.

The only thing I’m not fancying is the rather hard duro because where I live the paths and roads are rough and bad shape - numerous cracks, coarse grained asphalt and lots of blind man strips and brick pavers.

I can hit up to 40km/h on my S, it may be even quicker for your X+

if you wish for the agressive feel of the board, don’t bother with the 100mm wheel upgrade.