Archived: the OG noob question thread! 😀

Is it possible to use 5.5mm bullet connectors for a battery? 10s4p 30q and 12s1p lipo with a single sk3 6374

I needs to go like this :

battery xt60 → xt60 (wire) to 5.5mm → 5.5mm (wire) to xt90 → xt90 vesc.

I have a top mounted battery but a bottom mounted vesc enclosure and no way to hide the cable, except for the already drilled holes from the enclosure thats supposed to be there (evolve gtx deck without enclosure)

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Can someone review this solder job?
I’m a noob at this but it seems to stick on it and not move.

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The problem generally isn’t mechanical strength with solder joints, even cold solder joints can be very difficult to remove however the resistance at the point of PCB -> Phase wire will be really high and can throw off inductance and resistance measurements. Those solder joints are okay, but try using more flux, more heat for a longer time and more solder.


Left looks good, right okay, but middle looks iffy.


No specific name i know of

From what I have seen, no it does not. Aesthetically it looks a bit weird, but otherwise, nothing changes.

Not on the top of my head, let me look around.

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All your tips and tricks can be found here :wink:
[Serious] How To Solder-The Complete Tutorial From A>Z


Make sure your trucks are well tightened onto the board too don’t over do it and crack the board but those nuts/screws can back out over time especially with lots of vibrations on the board, only rattling I ever really hear is from trucks coming loose from the deck. Recording of the sound would help a lot though, fixed period sounds are usually something to do with the motor since 1 spin = 1 sound but if it’s more random might be something else loose.

Only noise you should really hear from the board is a high pitch whine from the motor, more pronounced in BLDC mode but still some noise with FOC (albeit far less with some motors)

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Hey can someone explain what’s the difference between senored and sensorless motors,
do I have even have to care about the difference?


The big difference is that with sensored, you can run true FOC mode, which gives you much smoother starts. I don’t use sensors, but you want them if possible because then you have the choice.

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I see you just joined, so i bumped your account so you can message and post without restriction. Welcome!

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with sensorless, it’s harder for the controller to start the motor from standstill (you may have to kickstart) because the controller needs some “back emf” voltage from the spinning magnets to estimate the rotor position. sensorless motors are mechanically simpler and easier to construct.

with sensored, sensors on the motors explicitly tell the controller the rotor position, so it can easily generate torque from a dead stop

i believe vescs run sensored motors sensorless once the motor has started to spin above a certain rpm, so the sensors are really only for getting the motor started initially.


Thanks for all that help and so fast
This answers my question but brings a new question to live what’s FOC mode


I know somebody will explain in to you, but in the meantime you can have a look at this list about most terms.


Thanks this answers my question

FOC mode is slower and less powerful but more efficient and quiet. A safe bet is it would increase your range 1% or maybe 2% at the same riding speed.


That’s the best and shortest answer you’ve ever given. Cheers!


I took away your like because shartis edited his post to extend its length


Why you ruin? WHY?


i’m not known for brevity.


Because “professor” not “mr”

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