Archived: the OG noob question thread! 😀

Yeah that FW shouldn’t even run the Unity since it uses a different MCU, Prog/SWD Flash the Unity with stock firmware and you’ll be right as rain.


Well shit, I over looked that key piece of information. So I need to go back to the Unity VESC Tool and flash the FW?

Thanks, to be clear, flash the stock fw with the Unity VESC Tool and not Ackmaniac Tool?


Edit: providing you didnt try to run the motors or anything high current like that, there shouldnt be any damage but if you tried its pretty conceivable you got some cooked DRVs but shit happens.

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Yes, load the latest version of whatever Unity was with the focbox tool. Only config unity with that or the UI, anything else and you’re in for a bad time.

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i sell one… interested? ^^

Only motor running was during the motor setting detection.

The Unity Tool doesn’t recognize which FW I need, so do I need to manually download the Unity FW from GitHub? If so, what is it called? VESC_default.bin?

1 metal truck?

Plastic baseplate

ah nvm. Would break it in like 1 month

How do you ride to brake them? :sweat_smile:

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Unity is not compatible with ack firmware… Roll it back to the stock unity firmware and it should work fine.
EDIT: I read more replies in the thread… Try downloading latest tool version if you haven’t already… Loading ack may have borked something though in which case you’ll have to go to GitHub at which point my knowledge ends… Perhaps @Deodand will be able to chime in?

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Im not heavy but I break stuff


Well… ^^ So far they survived my offroading fat ass.

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I think you’re right about running the Ack fw over road the Focbox Tool from seeing my unity and apply unity fw. So I just loaded the Focbox UI Tool and while pressing and holding the power button, the focbox UI pushed the unity fw, so everything was fixed after that and I could run the config through the Focbox UI and it works great now!

Thanks @BluPenguin @itsrow and @Jordicious

I thought I bricked my new Unity, but all is good now!


Bricking a unity is a painful thing to recognize, best to avoid the mental torture.

Happy to help.


Whats the best way to trim motor shafts? I need to shave off about 3mm and am not sure what tool most people use.

Motor in vise, spin up, sandpaper on shaft!
Jk, seriously don’t do that.
The right way would be to remove the shaft and turn it down on a lathe but you might not have one…
Not sure what the diy/ghetto version would be :confused:

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Man I almost thought you were serious for a second :sweat_smile:
Good thing I don’t have a vise, let alone a lathe.

And when I say shave off 3mm I mean from the length, not diameter