Archived: the OG noob question thread! 😀

Does anybody have a clue what could cause this sound? It appears only on the right Motor at a certain speed.

@torqueboards ?

right I am taking a new angle to my question. What deck is the most solid, & which one would you use for my descriptions? I do want bindings on it.

Can’t get metr to not look like this

Help? Quitting and reopening and resetting my board and Bluetooth aren’t fixing anythung

I have a BMS that I just hooked up and it’s showing 28V from the leads. When I probe the raw end terminals I get 41V.

I only have the B- and P- wired up, not the balance leads (including the negative) or the charge port.

Is it faulty? Do I need wire up all the balance leads?

It needs the balance leads hooked up - that’s where the BMS gets its power from.




“long press” on the numbers on screen and should see button in bottom left to reset layout. I think the other stuff is an overlay from the settings will see if I can find it

Other stuff is settings->magic->developer mode

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Wonderful, thanks!!


My Unity temp got too 90F while doing test run for about 20min. Is that bad how hot can it get before it cuts off ? I don’t want anything too seize up on me out of no where

Usually the thermal protection kicks in around 80-90C, which is about 176-194F. You’ve got a ways to go before you’re in any danger of overheating.


Thank you :pray: I feel so much better now haha

should i just create a new thread for the my question above?

if your question is not answered with 2-3 replies than yes.
just start a build thread, that will help others later as well :wink:

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Can you slide pneumatics on smooth pavement?

Riding urethane, I wear slide gloves to slide as a back up for stopping quick. If I swapped to pneumatics (rode them before, didn’t attempt any slides), would I still be able to slide? I know it will be more difficult, but I’m curious if pneumatics will just stick and/or skip instead of break free and slide. Thanks!

It will slide a bit if you throw your weight a lot but the pneumatics add so much height to the deck that you want to topple off because the center of gravity is higher. It’s like drifting a truck, can be done but not as easy as a low rider. Gravel still slides though

Or maybe I just suck :thinking:


Get a double drop deck and drop mount it with risers (technically lowerers) and you should be able to get low. Your best bet is getting something small and wide (probably a Psychotiller 6x3shooter and burn them out until its smooth) with max tire pressure

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That’s almost my second board :wink:

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what would voltage be for 19 cells in a series

Nominal Liion voltage would be 19 * 3.6 = 68.4v
Nominal Lipo voltage would be 19 * 3.7 = 70.3v
Fully Charged voltage would be 19 * 4.2 = 79.8v

What do you need such a high voltage battery for? The most the VESCs can handle is barely 13s

building a high volt charger to give my board another 10% battery while im on a long car ride guess i need more cells @ShutterShock