Noob question thread! 2020_Summer

Build this but with xt90

Me personally I’ve had no issues with using hot on it instead of heat shrink. It’s on a 10s that sees 60-70a bursts if I’m riding it (girlfriend’s board). Its also sealed so nothing can get to it. Glue has yet to fail. But you do you lol.


will prob go your version then

the vesc to vesc one has less wires though (short wire between vescs)

Have a set of 3ds mini drives and they run real hot. As in I hit thermal throttles unless it’s dark out. And even then I still get theremaling from time to time @ night. Right now I’m using the supplied grease with the kit but there in is the question.

What type of grease are you using to help with heating issues?


why do you think there’s an issue with the drives? Isn’t the solution here just to decrease motor current a bit?

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I’ve done a few tests with using different motors with different drives and found that the gears are getting hot and causing other things to get hot.

I’ve done my homework or I wouldnt be asking lol


Interesting. So you’re saying when you swap the motors to other drives and run the same amount of current through them they don’t throttle? is it possible you’re over greasing the 3ds ones?

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No where near over greasing. But not am I under greasing.

Stop treating me like a noob lol.

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I’m sorry, I don’t mean to insult your intelligence.

I’m just trying to get a clearer sense of what’s going on.
Also, I don’t know you, or you’re level of expertise, so its challenging for me to know what would be ‘obvious’ to you.

Assuming lubricant is the issue, I’d say you either need something that lubricates better (higher film strength) or is less viscus than the stock stuff. I don’t have a specific model recommendation though.

I haven’t heard about this issue before, so it doesn’t really make sense to me that the grease provided by 3ds is simply not a good match for his geartrain though…

To me it seems more likely that something is off with the way the gears are meshing. Backlash, some kinda manufacturing defect, idk… I guess you didn’t ask for my opinion tho so :man_shrugging:






I’m open to all brother. And I was just joking on the noob thing. We’re all noobs with new shit.

I agree with being weird cause my m1 drives dont heat up no where as bad.

Meshing is pretty much spot on with paper meshing.

There may be the fact I’m in colorado and the road just throws so much heat that everything is effected. Just trying to get a better (if there is) grease for application and then work from there

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Got a question to ask. As I’m typing this I’m working on my last part to solder. I gotten the charge port done just need to solder it to the C- for the negative, fuse the positive to the main positive harness. Thing is my charge port comes with a nut and cover to protect it from the outside, I’ll need to add it onto my enclosure but I’m wondering if I can use bullet connectors to connect the negative wires together also positive so i can remove it anytime I want

Charge port

Xt30 is your solution


You certainly can. I’d use a smaller connection like this though

Work great too

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Would XT-90’s work? Kinda limited on my choices since budget

Entirely too big but would work nonetheless

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Sure you can but wouldn’t recommend for this use.

Keep the size in mind

I also got a bunch of bullet connectors as well and small 18 awg wires would fit perfectly

PM your addy and I’ll send you some of the one I linked.

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Yea I figured the size that’s why I came up with bullet connectors since I got a whole bag of them