Just gonna plop this right here and back away slowly
Actually I put the male end (the side with 3 pins, not 3 holes) on the ESC that way I can drill through the enclosure and epoxy that piece through it. Then on the outside just plug the motor in
that also works, for specifc needs
Strange thing happened, lengthy explanation follows, but tdlr should I do some extra checks before riding again after the remote stopped working after a crash??
So I accidentally crashed my board into a wall (still getting used to the remote…not so keen on the VX2) and when i came to accelerate, after I’d grabbed the board from the crash, i looked at the remote and the connection with the board was lost. It didnt display the battery level and the board wouldnt respond to accelerating. When I got home i took the board apart and examined all the parts, everything seemed connected fine, but VESC app wouldnt connect and again acceleration wouldnt occur/no remote control. So i unplugged everything from each other and examined the ESC (not that I would be able to identify anything if there was an issue), but there were no burned/fried components to my untrained eye. At this stage I chcked the BMS and it was connected and reporting fine. I then plugged everything back in (even though id checked all the connections prior) and turned it on. I pressed accelerate on the remote and nothing happened for like nearly 2 seconds, then brrrrrrrrr the motors are going. Hmmm. Weird, but maybe not, maybe normal for DIY electric stuff…what do people think? Should I test somethig before putting it all back together? Pity there isn’t a ‘black box’ type thing that will log failures so i could be sure of what happened…
metr CAN? it should log everything until power off / cut.
have u check if remote receiver was fine? got another remote to try on the same board?
receiver seems fine, no other remote to check with. so do you reckon it’s likely to be a receiver issue? Wish id known before taking it all apart, would have checked the receiver first.
any other checks I can do?
(I’ll look into a METR)
Were these 2 seconds, the two or 3 seconds it takes to boot the VESC, or were these after the VESC was booted and just after you started attempting to throttle up?
im about 80 percent sure the VESC was already booted (i suppose there’s a chance)
Does anyone know what voltage is used to power the switch led on the flipsky v2.2 antispark?
@Geo_Engineering_FTW i have a spare vx2 receiver if you want. i can meet tomorrow and give it to you
Thanks man, though my VX2 seems to be ok now, but it’s just freaked me out. I guess something came dislodged when the board crashed, i suppose a hard enought impact may do that.
yeah sure thats ok
thought if it would calm your conscience then you could take that
thanks man, ill have a think
A few notes since my board also had a hard crash a long time ago:
The wires can pop by the vibration and any very thin wires can come off of their connectors. My battery charging wires is a good example of that and so was my bms. My suggestion would be to just double check the wires from the receiver and lightly move the wires and the JST port and see if something got loose (even the JST connector can get damaged. This experience came because my JST on my battery indicator broke and was dangling). It’s that white connector at the end of the receiver. If your board can still charge, everything should be fine with the bms.
Other than that, a crash isn’t going to do much damage to a well built board. Unless of course it goes into water, or gets crushed by a car.
Thank for insght here. Do people hot glue things like bt receiver down? Or even hot-glue JST ports?
Depends on the board, if I think it’s gonna rattle I might glue it down.
Otherwise I usually I wrap it in foam or something so it can’t vibrate around
ok, thanks. foam is a good idea
or velcro™
Velcro for every part while making sure it has space for the wires to move around and not get pulled.
i only use velcro™ on tiny stuff, like receiver / metr, bigger stuff i use 3m vhb. its never coming off unless u pry it