Noob question thread! 2020_Summer

He meant you’ll get a more direct answer by asking there. This is more of a general noob section. Battery club has all the cool battery kids in it who regularly check-in

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thanks. Thats the answer I needed.

Edit: oh, I was trying to see if someone already explained it. My bad.

Haven’t your mama ever told you not to tell strangers where you live :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Just a few noob questions from myself.

  • What’s unsensored hfi? Or whatever it is. Why is it cool?
  • Is it safe to change motor and battery settings on a Unity using the Metro Pro Unity module?
  • Can I run unsensored HFI on my Unity? Or is it a vesc tool thing?

High Frequency Injection (used to determine rotor position for the ESC)

don’t need sensors, makes kewl start-up noise

you can use HFI on Unity Hardware but you must install VESC FW (5.01 at a minimum)


God this is even worse, but how do you do that? Dont I need to do that using Vesc tool?

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and don’t do it by Bluetooth it will take FOREVER…

and if you choose to go down this rabbit hole it’s not the best to jump from 23.46 Unity to Vesc FW 5.01 it will take forever…

upload like 3.6~ vesc firmware and then jump to FW5~

there’s lots of info out there and I have a board or two on Unity, and a few boards on FW5~
if you don’t need HFI, it’s really not a NEED, especially with the wonky motor thermal filtering… Unity app is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much easier to use… the VESC fone app is really not very user friendly at all…


So it’s not worth being one of the cool kids. Thanks you’re smarticles!


How do you guys storage charge an esk8 with a BMS?

Doesn’t it work the same way as keeping your esk8 around 50% voltage or lower (3.4-3.6v)? I’ve done that with mine and had no issues. Just make sure you don’t have it too low, it might not turn back on.

Looking at you, boosted.

Edit: if you meant discharge to storage, there’s a link somewhere…

Then you’re wasting our time and your time :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I’m going to assume Antarctica and every answer will be

"It’s not practical for you to build an esk8 :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: "


4.2 (VESC-Tool 2.03) is when HFI debuted, if I recall. I know some of the 4.x versions had it for a brief moment

It did predate the 5.0 update

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I’m sorry but it’s my honest opinion that the VESC Tool Android application is really good for two things, and only two things:

  • looking at your battery voltage
  • initiating a TCP Bridge connection to a computer to use VESC Tool there

That second one is immensely useful.


Use one of these :slight_smile:

Here is a probably really stupid question : how hard is it to push a hub / DD board with a dead battery ? Compared to belt drive and to a normal push board

Harder than push board
Slightly easier than belt
Much better than belt on 8"


Hub and direct drive easy to push. As they are heavier it’s a bit more effort to get going but they have higher momentum also because of this so not too bad once going. Uphill sucks though haha. Oh and a fair bit more effort needed to foot brake too compared to a regular board.

I guess that’s the best option especially that I had it ordered on 23rd and so it should be with me next week.

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What do people use to fit superstar or similar hubs with a 28mm OD to 8mm axles? Some sort of conversion spacers? Or are there 8x28x8 bearings? :laughing:

Edit: no longer relevant I guess, turns out 3dservisas have a version of their hubs that takes standard 608 skate bearings :slight_smile:

Is it a good idea to use a similar PeliCase method?
Pelicase bottom thickness 4mm.
Trampa used M6 x 25mm Countersunk Bolt, 3.72mm.
I think it can tear it off

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