So back to the topic…Why does my board run in reverse even though the direction is and was correct in the detection?
Remote is calibrated and wizard went good.
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just flip the direction in vesc tool and try again?
Nah, i hate to use software based direction changes. I want it physical.
this proly won’t work but what if you switch the phase wires
ik your motor wont spin if you do that after you programmed the esc
idk or chheck this tutorial How to fix motor spinning in wrong direction in VESC tool
no rick roll
that’s what i did. I already swapped the phase wire so it is in the correct order.
if i do this its in reverse
A - A
B - B
C - C
but when i connect them like this, its forward. (this is how i have it)
A - A
C - B
B - C
but even after doing that, completing the motor direction (which spins in the right direction) and doing the remote wizard it turns reverse.
Remote values are like they should.
Throttle is throttle and brake - brake
wait so which remote is it
the mini
is that the one with the wheel
we’ll be right back.
You do realise you can change the direction after detection in software right? You’re massively overcomplicating this
but why ignore a problem thats hasn’t been there previously.?
Afaik there has been an instance where the software based direction changed on its own. Don’t want that, nah.
I have had motors spin up in the opposite direction they spin up in the detection. If you are having issues, wind back to 3.65 and be done with it.
Will the remote I am currently using be able to connect to a new vesc? Halo Board Ergonomic remote
nope, but u can get a relatively cheap remote, like a VX1
Recently bought a used TB Vesc, having trouble updating the firmware…it connects and uploads the firmware but every time i re connect is puts the old firmware on (3.58) how do i fix this?