Next Board for Sale!

This is a cropped from a photo that’s listed on the Facebook listing (the board is in storage at the moment). Just showing the connectors that you need to solder to run both batteries in series. The board came with the parts, but it wasn’t assembled for some reason nor were instructions given to how they recommended it. So that was another email with the company to be completely sure.

The other part is the recommended SkyRC IMAX B6AC V2 battery charger that does not come stock with an EC5 connector with leads to charge the recommended lipo batteries. It’s just a small part, but wasn’t mentioned when purchasing the board.

When you make an expensive purchase you expect everything to be there and ready to go, and if not, at least given a heads up, which certain parts were and other parts were not. It’s like getting a phone without a SIM card, simple fix but depending on the situation it can be really annoying. Unless you got the parts you have to wait to order them. What’s a couple days to a whole year waiting right? :laughing: