New VESC board cutting out? Need help!

Hey guys.

Recently picked up a Mboards Endurance 2.0.

Went for my second short ride yesterday and something weird happened. BTW, no speeds over 20mph. The board stopped responding to the remote and it came to a stop. Tried turning the board and remote on and off a few times with no luck. I am using a VX4 and it showed the remote was still connected and the power button was glowing making me think the board had power. Motors were warm but not hot. About 5 minutes later, the board started up again and responded like nothing ever happened.

Got home and hooked up my laptop to the MakerX D100s. No weird settings. Temerpature setting were stock and I could not find any issue. I re-did the motor detection and downloaded the settings to the board again.

Any ideas what could have caused this? Faulty sensors?


The most similar thing I can think off is that some of my flipsky stuff (vx1, but don’t know if it’s receiver or remote issue) does this sometimes but only after turn on, never mid ride.

On the board where this was happening I swapped in a gt2e remote and it didn’t happen after that.

Maybe it is an uart problem? Try ppm

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Based on the other thread, uart can make the VESC act wonky. I guess I thought something like this would not be an issue on a production board.

The other possibility is the VESC is defective. I have never had a VESC do this.

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When mine was acting wonky it was via PPM. When I swapped out to a different PPM remote the issues went away.

Did you check for errors ? (Before turning the vesc off)

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Where would the errors show up? On the VESC mobile app?

In the vesc app, after an issue or strange behavior, go to terminal and type: “faults” or “errors”


Did you reach out to MBoards? It seems something they would take care of, or at least give you some hints on where the problem might be.


I definitely will.

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