new version VESC6

I have listed a new VESC on AliExpress, the name is MKSESC 60100HP, and I provide the schematic diagram. Has anyone used it and tested it? How do you feel? Can you tell me the test results and usage experience?

welcome to our shore new totally-legit esk8 friend :smiley:

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I don’t know why but I have a feeling that someone in the UK is going to be really pissed by this post


if somehow there is an actual person behind this account, and you really want to contribute something to this community and not just get banned as spam, I’d advise to:

  1. categorize this thread as a seller thread
  2. introduce yourself and your company
  3. explain plainly what this product target and particularities are
    there’s no shame into advertising your product, but if you do, do it openly, there’s no point into trying to fool people

Sorry if it caused trouble, how can I delete the post to avoid further impact?

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under the post there are three little dots, when you click them you can see different new buttons and a small little trash bin to delet the post

In my opinion, you should use the little pencil and edit the post instead, and make it as honest and clean as possible, I’m sure there is space in the hobby for cheaper grade controllers, flipsky does it after all

I’m sorry for my stupid behavior and I apologize to everyone.


I’m sure I don’t see the three dots, is it because I don’t have permissions?

This is my first time posting on the forum, sorry for my unskilled behavior!

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I’t possible, I don’t know,
You need to read and interact a bit on the forum before you’re granted full access,


Ok, thank you very much for your answer sir. I promise to review and correct my behavior!
Sorry again to the friends who entered this post, I will find a way to end the post as soon as possible.

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The best thing you can do is to be outright honest and upfront if you are associated with this product and or are making money from it.

If you are here to promote or sell your product, then you should create a Thread under the Category “Vendor corner (Serious)” instead. These will need manual approval from the Admins, which might take a few days. There you should tell us everything about you or your product without immediately losing all credibility as if you were to act like you aren’t associated.

this is solid advice. Follow it.


Thanks a lot for the suggestion, I’ll take it, I’m trying to make amends.

In fact, I will not get any benefits from it (if the salary counts), I am just a hardware engineer in the company, just because this board is designed by me, I have released the schematic diagram (I am applying for the public PCB file) , I would like to receive approval or feedback. When I post next time, I will seriously think about the content of this board and introduce it grandly.

Hello Lucky!

Is this board your design?
How do you rate this board yourself, have there been any quality issues or are other makerbase controllers better than this one in terms of quality and desing.

It looks interesting for my build, but im not sure would getting 75100 make any difference for me, i would use it for 48v 50amp ebike commuter. But i need reliability

Thank you!

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@Lucky Here is my feedback, we have been testing one on a bench with FOC_openloop and making performance tests compared to 75200.
The current mesurement seems to have issues. All parameters have been checked and tested.
it is both for personal efoil projects, and thermal benchmarking for my work in ebikes.
both controllers are plugged into a big 6kg 10 pole inrunner, without rotor, and immerged into water.
we are testing 75200 makerbase and 60100hp makerbase, on 14S
the battery is not full to make sure we do not have overvoltage on the 60100 (around 45v)
the 75200 has noisy current mesurement, but it is consistant across the current range.
the 60100hp however has issues to mesure the phase current above a certain threshold that is dependant on zero vector frequency. 58A with 30khz, and 82A with 5khz.
strange thing is that it seems like the higher the current, the wider the band where current mesurement is wrong, with a zone that stays OK. The current mesurement issues causes the duty cycle to be very unstable.

in some cases, when we insist, the current goes bad and current negative/positive

tried openloop_duty, and it gives same kind of issue when phase 1 cross zero, and current is above a certain current/pwm frequency threshold. Could it be observer settings?

I can not post pictures here yet, please send me a PM and I will send you the data we have (curves)