New to me trampa mtb

Well before I even got all the parts for my first diy I ended up doing some trading somewhat local and ended up with another board that is just needing batteries hopefully! Going through it today and hooking it up to the computer. This thing is crazy impressive! Has 80mm alien power system motors and helical gears, all on a trampa deck/trucks/wheels/bindings with dual vesc6s. I am def hooked to this hobby and now want to finish building my diy even more! Still collecting parts for it and after seeing the vesc6s in person I’m pretty sold on their 6+ cause the quality is great. Thanks for an awesome community to come read and ask questions in!


I would not have the cables under the deck. Better have them over the bindings, or get an electric Holy Pro deck with integrated cable. The dongle is for App connectivity.


Heard loud and clear. Someone on fb was suggesting that I reroute similar to the newer style, over the binding, I just will have a little thicker wire bundle than what he showed me.

One thing you can do is stick a 5mm thick flexible sheet material to the deck. Cork would do the trick.
Cut a channel in there and stick another 2mm thick sheet material on top. A Glass fibre sheet for example.


Nice to see your build here @McLovinsQuads

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Thank you very much! But I can take can’t take credit for the build, ima clean it up a tad though😁

Welcome Jens!


Thanks my friend.