New remote with 1.5 inch RGB OLED 128 x 128


Someone here familiar with 3d modeling?

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Really need someone who is familiar with 3d modeling!

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I’m not so good with small and round device modeling, could you expand on what you are trying to design?

I’m guessing the remote body

gotta brush up on my Ant modeling skills

Basically want a mini remote without the part that is for the wheel. That part should be flattened.
It should be around 4cm thick on the top, and thinner on the bottom.
I don’t have exact measurements and plans now.
I just want someone to come back to later on when this is more planned :slight_smile:
Basically a mini remote with a different top, for a display that’s 3,8 cm im width and length. On top of it I want to place three 6-8mm buttons

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Yeah I don’t have a a mini remote or have designed a remote before.

Someone who has done a mini remote mod should be able to help you.

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Please do so :sweat_smile:

I am happy to say, that we are making huge progress!
@Monomas11 is working hard to design a first prototype shell for the remote.
It’s ergonomic shape for the handle is similar to the one on the mini remote as that one fits in hand pretty well imho.

The remote will probably use a liion cell for better battery life!
Here’s a quick picture of where we are at now:

@Jamie42 @Monomas11
Thank you so much guys! As I get the settings I can try to complete the GUI as for now, so that we have a complete prototype of remote and GUI/Display :slight_smile:

This would be the first RGB capable remote, with no drawbacks caused by RGB, with the highest pixel count ever, too!


Whats going on with this. Ive just finished my firefly nano remote, and im keen to start this one. Im not bad at coding, and quite good at 3d modelling.
Does this need any help?