New remote with 1.5 inch RGB OLED 128 x 128

I don’t really like the thicker top idea anymore because of what @rusins said plus it just doesnt look as clean in my humble oppinion.
You won’t stare at the remote the whole time (okay… Maybe you will if it’s your first ride with it :))
I don’t think a quick hand twist is a drama
drama llama
This allows for the usage of the Firefly Nano case.

Is there enough space to solder wires to the Heltec Lora? Could you send me a link to one without a display attached? Would you still keep it the way, the micro USB sticks out?
Its very handy to have a universal charge and programm port :slight_smile:
But maybe you could add a micro USB extension, possibly to USB C(?) could you still charge and programm then?

Then, we need to figure out a good place for our screen. I insist on OLEDs, they are very bright on very low power usage and have astonishing viewing angles, fuck TFT.

With side mounting the display, there’s room for the 1.5 inch version for sure!

Also, would you guys agree on placing the display a bit more centered as it is pretty far at the bottom now and with the new design we can place it where we want. Do you like the Firefly or Firefly Nano shell more?

I would order the parts the next day (oled, ESP 32 Lora without display, need link for that…)

I’ve read through a few threads and I’m scared af now… In wonderful dream Netherlands, Esk8s seem to be a gray zone where’s in Germany it’s “Strengstens untersagt” lol. Basicay everything is forbidden here. Take Marihuana for example - forbidden because its a illegal drug ~ our ex drug politician Marlene Mortler.

Back to the topic… @Jamie42

You have an anti police mode on the Firefly Nano right? I couldn’t really figure out it works, would you mind explaining?
Since the cops might bust you in the a** I think its necessary to have a way to switch quickly and without them recognizing it.
I don’t know why but I think buttons are dangerous because they are easily discovered by the police men… I don’t know if they take everything out of your pocket when they stop your ride, but I somehow fell in love with this:

You could hook it up to a BT module or something like that and make it communicate to the mcu. The nice thing is you don’t even have to really touch it. Maybe a super small layer of filament over it would still make it functional. So you could have a little car key sized thing in your pocket to quickly put your thumb on in order to activate anti cop mode…

But this is not really better than a button on your remote I realize now…
Well forget what I just said :joy:

I’m turning into 007…
Maybe put that in your remote… I have yet to understand how it works and especially how good it works. But maybe you set a startup word like “Go” and a secret mystery word like “Llama”.

The clue is “Go” is the safe cop mode, you can explain them you have a voice recognition module, they will trust you. And if you’re safe you say your secret mystery word.

I love how this is like in third year in school as a kid :slight_smile:

You could also just add two buttons and make two codes with them, one for safe mode, one for normal mode, would also prevent unauthorized people from riding your esk8 without permission.

Is this really that dumb as it sounds or…?
Voice recognition would be so awesome if it works good!!!

@Jamie42 it has 15 commands you can Program to it if I’m not wrong! Each command has 3 versions recorded of you saying it. Max length of a command is 1.3 seconds

I agree that side display looks better. It really isn’t that bad to look. The Firefly nano case has enough room for wires and all atm. I would keep the usb port that way. Super useful, USB C is not so easy I think cause it needs certain voltage negotiation boards and all (or did it default to something?).

Lol, it really depends on the police officer, some are easy on you, others confiscate the thing and you end up with a 400 euro fine.

I have a police mode, basically endless mode, sorta. I explained it here: So.... Endless ride, how we doing?

I had the idea of switching to police mode when you come to a stop and release the trigger, and having to unlock normal mode again in the menu.

Wouldn’t do voice commands, guess that kind of things work like shit.

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Agree :slight_smile:
Is there an ESP 32 Lora without display or not ^^?
With the display it could be rough to fit in when we don’t use the built in display.

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Well, I know one thing, you can rip the display off pretty easily if you unscrew it.

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Bad boy :crazy_face::smirk::joy:

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Quick update: ordered some displays to see what fits best :slight_smile:

Hey! just catching up on this thread now, I love watching the development of new esk8 toys! I’m excited to see what you come up with (moar pics, lol)

One thin that has concerned me about the Firefly a while back when deciding whether to try one out is the reports of interference

There’s so much interference on my commute, it’s crazy, so this a primary concern for me. Sadly, I don’t have much to offer the project besides a board and a route past a cluster of Navy, Coast Guard, Harbor Police and Airport radio towers.

following with interest

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I don’t know why, but I need this:
#Aliexpress € 17,49 5%OFF | GROW K202+R502-A DC12V Low Power Consumption Fingerprint Access Control Board+R502-A Small Ring LED Fingerprint Module

This must be the startup logo, no discussion! 33x58


What God really did on the 7th day:
God was aware that the human species needed a leader. And so God made the Llama and it was good. The Llama had fluffy wool all around it’s body. And God spoke: This is my last creation. It broadcasts strength, courage and coolness.
One day, humanity will get behind, how mighty the Llamas are and they will worship them as their new God. God will live in those Llamas.

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What a rough day… This display has so bad documentation… But I think i got it now :slight_smile:
Will do more tomorrow. I’m happy about the brightness and overall quality and my first trial of course

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Still needing a nicer looking font :slight_smile:

Still working hard :slight_smile:

Got a standard monitoring screen.
Now it’s time to clean my code up a little before I start adding more features.
I thought about graph modes where you can monitor your temp, power draw etc if you need it some day. A rotary encoder allows you to switch display modes by pushing it or so. It has a throttle bar, but I think I’ll add one for battery level too, maybe even velocity.
This display is so fluid, contrast rich and just perfect!